Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai


20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...
OOC: TM people see my post on the Gale Tavern a few things I wanted to say, and it's too much OOC to be putting it all here...

IC: LOVE?!?!?!?! Sidana could not breathe, and it was not all from the battering her body had taken against the hull. And HE was crying...well, sort of. She said nothing. Nothing at all. Gasping for air and feeling at the same time like the world had been handed to her and like the biggest fool that ever lived, the Windfinder, for all the power at her disposal, passed out cold. Her breath still came in labored gasps, and her sun-darkened face was ghostly pale.

Sometime later, Sidana slipped from unconsciousness into mere sleep, and she began to toss fitfully. She cried out once when her turning jarred the splints on her ankle, but she did not wake. It was hours before she finally opened her eyes, and sat up on her bunk. Jio was still there, looking relieved, and she smiled at him (this may be the very first time she's done that *lol*). Holding on to the wall as best as she could, Sidana stood awkwardly on one foot and began to try to head for the door. There was work to be done...

Sidana din Lorin
Windfinder of the Twilight Moon
Fully rested and ready to get back on deck (*sad puppy-dog face* please??)

"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

the wheel weaves as it wills

Nerissa mumbled softly to herself, barely loud enough for Marcus to hear, that she was sorry...she wasn't sure for what. She was comforted that he was a shoulder for her to cry on...but increasingly curious as to how he had wound up entangled in her arms and with his own arms around her. At this particular moment it didn't matter much, she had stopped crying by now and was realizing just how tired she was.

Raising her head and looking at Marcus's face with one of her eyebrows cocked, she tried to supress a yawn...she was going to fall asleep again. She smiled a little sleepily and said " can leave now, or you can stay...I'm tired and I'll fall asleep soon whether I wish it or not..." She wondered to herself which would be better...she liked having him there, but she was mildly confused over it and knew in the back of her presently disorganized mind that if Zahneel or Sidana came in now there would be a lot to explain...and Marcus might just find himself swimming ashore through the hurricane.

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...

Jio watched for only a moment as Sidana tried to stand. There as she started to fall, he caught her from in front, his arms under hers. She hung there for a moment, as Jio could do nothing but hold her, having no chance to change his position for balance. In that same moment he heard her crying.

"You can go out on deck. But not until i get you a chair out there on the quarterdeck thats nailed down. Ok?"

She looked up, her eyes reddened. She nodded.

Jio nodded, and holding her up with one arm, he disengaged the other, so he might pick her up, and carried her back to the bed. Turning, he went and took a simple chair and headed for the door with it. Opening it, he spotted the first deckhand nearby. telling the man his orders, he turned back into the room.


Watching Over Her

Marcus looked down at her slightly and then let his hands slip down so that her head rested on the bed. "Go to sleep, I will wait until you are asleep and leave you to your rest." He lightly caressed her cheek as she smiled at him and then slowly drifted to sleep. She had apologized, but he was not sure why. Looking at her as she slept he was not even sure she knew why. Soon her chest rose and fell an a slow and even pattern, and her tight hold on him loosened. He held her for a moment more watching the lines of her face ease as she fell into blissful slumber.

Then he slowly laid her the rest of the way back onto the bed and slipt out of her embrace. Standing he moved the hair back from her face once more and then turned and moved to the door. He paused to listen out. Someone was passing by but after a moment the footsteps fail silent. Opening the door slightly he saw no one. Within minutes he found himself alone in his room thinking about Nerissa and wondering what the trip would bring.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

Hobbling about...

This invalid business was more difficult than it should have been...Jio was acting like a mother hen - what had happened here, anyway? Jio cared for Sidana (miracle of miracles!), and had admitted as much, and Sidana...well, she barely knew what she felt, let alone how to express it. Okay, she knew, but was so reluctant to admit it. Was it fear? Or just blind stubbornness?

Pulled from her thoughts by the return of the deckhand reporting the chair fixed, Sidana sighed and accepted Jio's help in getting to the corridor. Before she would allow him to take her up the ladder, however, she insisted on looking in on her apprentice and her protege. Akasi was sound asleep, on top of the coverlet, where she had collapsed after making sure they were moving with the eye. Nerissa's door, just down the corridor, was slightly open, and just as Sidana turned that direction, someone came out! It was that shorebound man, the dark one...Marcus, that was his name. She shook her head at him when he passed, but said nothing. Jio snorted derisively, but neither of the men spoke, either.

Finally they were on deck, Jio having to half-carry her up the narrow ladder. And there was her chair, facing forward in the bows, with a cushion for her to prop up her foot. Fat chance she had of keeping that pillow long when they re-entered the storm! She sat down, feeling very silly, and turned around to watch the activity on deck. The absence of Jio's arm around her waist, now that she was sitting down, felt strange, she found herself wishing it would stay. His hand came to rest on her shoulder protectively. It's that mother hen again. *sigh*

The second wave of crewmembers was coming from their bunks to relieve those who were working, so that everyone would get a chance to rest, at least a little bit. They were in for one rough ride ahead. Looking out at the storm, all around them, Sidana shivered. She didn't even try to feel that wall of darkness with the Power - no use borrowing trouble, she would deal with it when the time came. Sidana shivered again. Jio, with his hand still on her shoulder, looked at her in question...

Ready to have Zhan or someone come talk to me...hint, hint

"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

Into dreams once more

Nerissa had drifted back into sleep in Marcus's arms, strangely comforted. She felt like a child again...and she had enjoyed being near to another person again. Near to them not because of duty or necessity, but just...she couldn't find a reason.

She smiled a little as she drifted off to sleep, stirring a little as he slipped away from her side. She fell into dreaming...dreaming that she walked on land and wore long dresses like the shorebound women. These dreams were like scenes out of Balin's tales...places ashore that she had never seen...and in many of them Marcus was there leading her and showing her everything. As she dreamed of what Camelyn would be like, she felt something new entering her if reaching through from outside and gaining entry. She smiled as she heard a familiar though disembodied voice -- that of her mother.

"I fear I will not see you again my child.." it said.

Nerissa cried out as her dream flashed into vibrant color "Mother...mother! They say I can channel mother," she said hopefully and pleadingly.

"I always suspected as much Neri," said the voice, "I am sorry that I am not there...all is sorrow here in Seanchan for channelers though. Never let yourself be taken as I was...I am free in dreams alone. It took me two and a half years to find my way to your dreams as I had never had need of it before..."

Nerissa's face showed her sorrow and her longing to embrace her mother...her mother who had no form. "Mother...why can't I see you! Mother!" she cried as she looked frantically around her.

"It is because I have not entered your is easier to speak with you this way...though I fear you may be pulling me into it..." the voice said as Canace din'Guinieve Shining Waters entered the dream.

Nerissa smiled and ran to embrace her mother...stopping to salute as she came. Canace din'Guinieve waved the salute off.

"I am nothing now my child...I am a Windfinder no longer, merely a possession in waking and only free at night."

Nerissa's will had never been strong enough to bend this woman...even in her own dream.

Nerissa cried a little and fell to hugging her mother and burying her head on that familiar, beloved, and wished for shoulder. Her mother...

An image of Marcus stood in the background of what was now a highly colored Throne room in Camelyn, Balin playing his flute in torrents of beautiful melodies which came from her heart was sitting on the Lion Throne while the Queen he had described knelt at his feet. Nerissa did not envy her imaginings...

OOC:'s weird, I can alter or delete it, it's very interesting though *grins*

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: Hobbling about...

Jio glanced down questioningly at Sidana, feeling a slight shake under his hand. He too was shaking, but inwardly. His head had started to throb, and he felt like falling over himself at this point. Wanting to have a chair brought up like Sidana's he fought it off. Coudlnt' have the cargomaster sitting on a day like this.


Still Inside the Dream

Nerissa cried as her mother tried to leave her dream at long last...everything inside the dream moved towards her, trying to hold her back. The Queen begged for her to stay, Marcus tried to hold her bodily, and Balin tried to charm her with the flute. She held her mother in the dream, not letting go...until a wave crashed in reality and sent her hurtling off her bed.

She cried out as she hit hard wood instead of blankets...and wanted to break down sobbing. She had lost her mother yet again...but at least she knew her mother was out there...somewhere. The Creator had given her one last chance to tell her mother how much she loved and adored her. That counted for much. Nerissa knew she would not sleep again for now...there was too much emotion welling up within her for that. She heard noise on deck and decided to check on it...but no, they would know she was not sleeping then. She sat there wondering what to do next and waiting for a sign...simply mulling things over in her head and softly singing to herself a song her mother used to sing sometimes...

The winds and waves will rock the ship at night
dear child do not fear that they will cease
until the wheel of time unending cycles
turns no more, but that day will not come...

She hummed it to herself for comfort and to think of her mother again...just for a little while...she had had her extra time and yet she craved more. She sang to herself and let the waves lull her a little...

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

A Visitor

Marcus rested on his bed, the ship rocking. A few times it grew violent again and he had to hold onto the bed to stay on. His mind drifted through the past and he wondered at the future. It had felt extremely nice to hold Nerissa as she slept. He had been on the road so much of his life that he was more used to being alone then anything else. Cabroci had kept a low profile, but with the storm brewing Marcus was not willing to bet that whoever he was, the man would surface more when things calmed down. Marcus began to doze lightly, but a sudden shift almost tossed him from the bed.

He sat up on his bed and shook his head slightly. He had no idea if he had slept for long or if he had barely closed his eyes. He stood up and moved to where a wooden bowl that sat in a depression to stop it from spilling held some water. Taking it he splashed some on his face. Behind him he heard the door to his room begin to open. Turning he was somewhat surprised to see Nerissa enter. A light smile touched his face, and he had to force himself to look at her eyes and not the body that he had held close so recently. "Hello, I thought you were sleeping?"

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

Re: A Visitor

Nerissa had thought to venture down to see Marcus after she had finished singing to herself. She had wondered exactly how they had come to be tangled up like that...

She stopped at his door and cautiously opened the door, ready to leave if he wanted her to. She stepped lightly...halfway in.

She saw his eyes fix on hers and how a smile crept onto his face...she smiled as well, but perhaps a little shyly.

"Hello, I thought you were sleeping?" he said.

"I was...and then I woke up again...I had a dream and it has kept me awake..." she said, then feeling that it needed explaination she continued. "I dreamt of Camelyn and my mother and the was a strange dream...but it has kept me awake...I pray for my mother and try to remember her, but it hurts to remember."

She paused for a moment and then continued. "I wanted to go up on deck, but I know that they would send me to bed again if I went above...and I cannot sleep now."

She shrugged and wondered if she would have the nerve to ask him how in the name of the Creator they had wound up in each other's arms when she woke earlier...

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Come In....

Marcus listened to what she had to say and then motioned her in and sat down on the bunk, patting it to indicate that she was welcome to sit next to him. She entered and closed the door. "I dream of my father at times," Marcus said, "I lost him several years ago. It is part of why I took to the road. He taught me alot of what I know." He looked down, but his faint smile widened slightly at the thought of his father and the times they were together. Looking up he saw that she had moved to stand next to him. He scooted further over and smiled at her. She paused for a moment and sat down.

"You do not look like you are doing well Nerissa. Would you like to talk about your dream? I grew up in Andor, although I never saw the Queen. Have you been to Andor before?"

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

Where one comes from...

Nerissa smiled brightly as he mentioned that he was from Andor...she had so much she wanted to know, but had no idea how to ask it. Andor, to her, was a land of mystery.

She spoke of her dream, of a throne carved with lions and a Queen with golden hair and a crown made of red flowers...she had never seen roses and that is how a gleemen always explained them to her -- beautiful flowers of red, but with stinging thorns. She spoke of the river and of Whitebridge from her earlier dreams untouched by her mother with disbelief, but also of how her mother had spoken to her in the dream. She knew the islands, the ports, and the seas well enough to be comfortable with them in fair weather, but to her Andor was as much a gleeman's tale of fancy as Aes Sedai of ages long past flying.

She mentioned that she had never been to Andor, but hoped to visit there someday...if only on the river. She knew in her heart that she would become landsick if she strayed too far from the water for long and regretted it...that was the one sadness of being Atha'an Miere, you not only feared the land, but were not adapted to it. She mentioned that it was not easy for her to travel and asked him to tell her of his youth in Andor...

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: Where one comes from...

OOC: man, I missed a lot of posts today! oh well, that's what I get for partying Neri, *grins* I like those dreams!

He sat there for what seemed an eternity, the storm behind his back frothing and swirling at an odd slow-motion pace. His head had started to pound again and he watched the goings on around him with only half his thoughts, the usual alertness and sparkle had slowly disappeared and he kept finding the idea of sleep sneaking upon his musings.

Staggering to the standing position suddenly, he turned just in time to catch the rail as the ship had taken advantage of his dizzy spell and heaved in an odd direction. Shaking his head groggily, he apologized to the Sailmistress pleading a headache then took his leave, looking a little pale. He looked up at Sidana and Jio just before he went below, and couldn't help but notice them acting a little strangely... so do they hate each other or what? He shrugged it off with a confused frown.

He moved down the corridor like a zombie, and when he reached his room he thought he had never been so glad to see a bed. Wrapping up his flute gingerly, he laid the pack on the floor, turned, and fell into bed letting out a loud sigh, hands on his face. Curling up on his side, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep, dreamless and uncomfortable sleep.

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman
IRL Lindsay the frazzled

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~


Marcus found it easy to talk to Nerissa, so when she asked him about Andor he began to tell her about where he had come from. It had been a medium sized city named Bearlon that he had grown up in. Mostly though he talked about the woods, and the hills. He figured that she had seen considerably larger and more prestigous cities so instead he told her about how he learned to move silently through the hills, and how he had grown up around learning the woods from the time he was old enough to go out into them.

He said that his father had died while hunting, but left it at that. He was reluctant to tell anyone what had happened. So instead he paused for a moment and then continued. "I spent a few more years learning and growing a little older and then I left. Since then I have not looked back." He paused and smiled at Nerissa. "It is a wonderful land. Someday perhaps you will see it."

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

Salt, sword and a sign of life (from me)

Cabroci felt the ship calm down, and smiled. "I guess the storm is over......for now." He grinned, grabbed his sword and headed out to the deck.

Once on the deck, he looked around, quickly assessing the damages. He grimaced. The ship was pretty much wrecked, but still in pretty good shape considering it had just suffered a hurricane. After all, it was still floating. He looked around the ship, and smiled as he saw Zhaneel on the quarterdeck. At least she was still alive. He saw the Windfinder sitting on a chair, the Cargomaster obviously making a fuzz over her. He headed over to the quarterdeck, everybody to buzy with repairs to stop him, and walked over to Zhaneel. "It seems your ship has suffered some minor damages. Could I be of assistance in any way? I'm not a sailor, but I do know some stuff of wood and ropes."

just being around...

'Honor to serve'
Brother to Cabroci Ramzael

When the piper plays his tune, it's just you, your sword, and courage.

Woods and Hills

To imagine woods and hills was hard for Nerissa...she didn't know where to start as she had never been very far inland. Marcus's tales of his youth and his home fascinated her and she thought to herself of perhaps telling him of the strange Sharamen and their walled ports and mysterious trades or else of the Amayar who she had observed in her time ashore not so long ago. For now though, she listened...spellbound. By nature and tradition, her people feared the land and avoided it, but she had a curious nature that wished to absorb everything that it could. She doubted she would ever find herself in Baerlon, but listened and went there through his words. She knew at heart that she was a part of the sea, a being of salt sprays, warm winds, and ships which danced the waves -- she would be this until the Coramoor came...maybe, if he came soon...

She stopped that thought. She doubted the Coramoor would have need to lead her to Baerlon or the woods and hills of Andor. She smiled and fixed her wide eyes on him as he spoke...nearly crying as he spoke briefly of his father dying while hunting. She empathized with that -- her own father had died being swept under in a hurricane. Niether of them said much more about their fathers' deaths...she respected that -- it hurt her to think of it and she felt it must be the same for him. She sighed and spoke after he had finished.

"Maybe I will go there someday...I know not what my future holds. I was never ashore for more than a day at a time until after my parents had died. After my father died I did not have the will to go to sea again for two years and I lived with an aunt who was ashore in Tremalking -- but even so, I am not used to the land." She shrugged, wide eyed and full of thought. She searched for something to say.

"I could tell you of the Sharamen, of the islands, of the seas...but you might know more of Sharamen than I. No one knows much of them. I could tell you of storms and sunsets and winds or why we say a ship is like a man...but I doubt that would be of interest to you." She sighed. She realized now how isolated her people were perhaps, but she loved the life for that reason. She didn't mention the truth, she knew little of them herself and hated all of what she knew. She hated, most of all, the women in the dresses with lightning... sul'dams.

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

a little practice

Opening his eyes, Balin knew a moment of panic. where AM I? He felt sheepish when he finally realized, and he gave a small laugh as he sat up. STUPID The dizzyness and aches had mostly washed away during his sleep, though a slight stiffness had taken hold of his body.

Picking up the bundled belongings on the floor, he unwrapped them and started sifting through the odds and ends. Pulling out four colored balls - green, red, blue, and yellow - he sat on his bed cross-legged. Grinning, he tossed up the first three and started to juggle them in a simple loop, his hands fumbling for a bit as he worked the stiffness from them. The rocking of the boat did not help his practice either, but he realized that if he could learn to juggle on the ceaseless waves that land would be no obstacle.

Waiting for the right moment, he threw in the last ball, the yellow one. He maintained the simple loop for a moment more, losing himself in the rythm. Suddenly he shifted the tosses, forming two lopsided circles. The green ball hit the back of his hand and bounced across the room, and in trying to correct it the other balls decided to go their own ways as well. He gave a small laugh, shaking his head as he jumped off the bed in pursuit of the scattered balls.

Gathering them up, he returned to the bed. He started with three again, but this time he practiced more than a simple loop. He tried fountains and cross-overs and anything else that struck his fancy. Eventually he went back to the simple pattern, and snatched the fourth ball up simultaneously, adding it to the ring. He maintained it for a while, just letting the rocking of the ship and the rythm of the tosses be the only thing in his thoughts. Shifting his track, he sent them into the double rings again.

He fumbled with them for a while, nearly dropping a ball here and there, but eventually it evened out. He practiced like that for a long time, dropping them occaisionally, dropping balls out of the loop purposely, slipping them in, and changing patterns. After a while, his arms started to feel like jelly, but he kept on, knowing that soon he wouldn't be able to do anything but hang on for dear life once more.

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman
I am the egg-man.. I am the walrus... koo koo kachoo

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

The ship lurched...(attn: everyone!!)

OOC: Well, I think it's time somebody came up with an explanation for that big lurch that everyone has put into their posts...hehe just hold on tight, okay?? I'm not sure if this would happen IRL, but it sounded good...*sheepish grin*

IC: Sidana was watching the crew bustling about, several moving a bit slower than usual due to the bumps and bruises they had received - nobody but her had been tossed overboard, though, and the thought shamed her. She avoided looking at the storm, and kept away from Saidar for all she was worth. There would be time enough for that, later. Right now she didn't want to know. She wanted to steal a few minutes of enjoyment out of an otherwise horrible couple of days.

She didn't explain any of this to Jio, it was too embarrassing. What kind of Windfinder would shy away from a storm? Well, at least that was what he would think. Any Windfinder could tell you that a storm like this would turn anyone'e knees to jelly, especially one who could FEEL its scope. So she ignored it, and chatted with Jio when he wasn't giving orders to some crewman.

Suddenly the deck came up to meet her, and she just missed falling out of her chair because of Jio's strong arms. (Actually he practically fell into her lap, but why quibble?) What under the Light had happened? Sidana at once realized her mistake. She had heard of the orders that the Sailmistress had given, and had concurred. They would stay safely in the eye of the storm until ready to leave it. But she had not reckoned on the ineptitude of the man at the tiller. There was one who could do with hanging by the heels when this was over!! He had taken them too far to starboard, and they were right on the edge of that black, black wall.

Instantly, Zhaneel was shouting orders angrily, Jio had flown into action, and the crew was boiling. Sidana instinctively reached out with Saidar and pointed, the shouts of the crew were too loud for her to be heard over them. Jio's second had grabbed the tiller from that idiot and upon seeing her signal, threw the wheel hard to port. That move had bought them perhaps ten minutes. The hurricane would swallow them up whether they were ready or not. Sidana cast out around them, trying to figure the best heading to take into it, allowing for currents and winds, and prayed that the Father of Storms had not decided to kill them all.

Sidana din Lorin
Looking for some action *g*
Maybe we should start a new thread for this...ya think?

"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

Edited by: Rhysel at: 11/2/01 6:16:47 am

Re: The ship lurched...(attn: everyone!!)

After cuffing the man upside the head who had taken helmsman position, Jio looked around. Seeing that the sails on the main mast were nowhere ready for the onslaught, he ran accross the quarter deck, planted a hand on the rail and hit the deck below with a rolling move. Standing and shaking his head, he gestured to 3 of the deckhands nearby, and started to fasten down the storm lines to he mast. Knowing they would have been done... but he had everyone preparing for the storm itself... the crews safety first. As that thought came to mind, he looked back up deck and saw Sidana standing with the support of the rail he had bounded over, her eyes fastened on the storm. Giving a curse, and directing the three to keep constant watch on the mast, and to move the hell out of hte way if it did come down, he knew it probably would, just too much beating coming into the storm, leaving would tighten the knot just a little more. Bounding over a pile of coiled ropes, he made for the quarter deck again.


We're loosin the main mast BTW folks. I intend to loose at least three.... more like 7 deck hands to this storm. 2 of which i intend to be whacked by that thing when it topples. So... if you like your character, stay away from the midships area. lol.

OOC responses

*grins* we're not getting out unscathed *shrugs* hmm...yeah I knew the mast was going (you have pounded that into my skull successfully) *whimpers* and it was such a nice main mast! The deckhands are new news to me *is very glad to be injured and able to go into storm mode somewhat and keep cool till after the storm when I can explode* I'm going to have to figure out how Neri will take that...she's soft hearted as all heck and this will probably give her flashbacks once we get out of the storm and realize how many deckhands we lost. *goes to work pondering things, archiving things, and waiting for Marcus to respond*

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Last post, this makes 20

He had been in his room for a while now, juggling until he thought his arms might just melt off of him. He had just changed back to four balls, when the bed suddenly bucked beneath him, spraying balls to the four corners of the room and nearly tossing him after them.

Jumping off the bed, he ran out into the hallway and up onto the deck. Opening the door hastily he looked out at the sky and felt a frown creasing his brow. There was nothing but miles and miles of blue and a black wall at the edge. Stepping out, he looked up to the quarter deck where a commotion seemed to be dying down and then he took a step back, his gaze sweeping up... then farther... then higher still.... The wall loomed above them, so close he thought he might be able to reach up and touch it. surely they aren't PURPOSELY trying to go back in now?? He knew they were nowhere near ready, the crew still hobbling around, the Windfinder seemed to have something wrong with her foot, and at a loud, steady creaking behind him, he turned and saw the main mast swaying slightly...

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman

IRL lindsay the late for class

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

Edited by: Balin Tshai at: 11/2/01 12:21:59 pm

Return to main page

Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai
