Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai


Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon
OOC: oh yeah, sorry I forgot to mention that last night, I'm sure it's nice to know, lol All right, I'm just posting this quick to get the new thread started up. I'm still waiting outside the door behind nerissa, waiting for the bargaining to start ^_^


Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman
waiting patiently for the bargaining to begin

Re: Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon
Jio moved through the city quickly. He wanted to leave, and thats why. Sighing as he looked around himself quickly, he realized he had gotten turned around. Running up a street, to a hilly area, he spotted the harbor again, and started that way.

All people in this RP report to the Atha An Gale tavern board right away. High important and required vote there.

OKAY, I'm here already!!! Let's bargain!

Sidana sighed...Jio was at the docks, and marshalling the loading of tons of cargo. She would get no help from him for a while. Zhaneel was feeling some ill effects from either landsickness or something worse...Sidana had little skill with healing, but her small ability caused her to suspect the latter. (OOC: she can always be wrong, San, if you want to show up healthy) Well, bargaining could be done alone, and she had already had much experience with this today...thanks to Jio and his boorishness. (OOC: mwahahaha)

Meeting the newest newcomer amidships, she introduced herself, refusing to crane her neck at yet ANOTHER man who was a full foot and a half taller than she. "I am Sidana, Windfinder of Clan Wind Dancer and of this ship, the Twilight Moon. Let us discuss the gift of passage, and if it pleases the light, we will travel where you wish to go."

The man bowed formally, and introduced himself as Balin, aspiring gleeman. Sidana led him to the cabin, where she felt on a much more even keel sitting down. He didn't tower quite so much, now. Not that this was a disadvantage, not to a woman as powerful as a Clan Windfinder, it just helped her not to have to look up so much.

The Tiniest Windfinder (Balin she's 4'7")
Windfinder with a temper, although it's under control for the moment
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

gladly short stuff... er... windfinder... j/k ;)

As the Windfinder approached him, he found himself looking further and further downwards in surprise. He had never met anyone so short, excepting maybe a child. He didn't let it fool him into thinking she would be easy to deal with though, her feirce-eyed introduction almost seemed to reprimand him for towering over her so, and he found that admirable (and like everything else, amusing). "I am Sidana, Windfinder of Clan Wind Dancer and of this ship, the Twilight Moon. Let us discuss the gift of passage, and if it pleases the light, we will travel where you wish to go."

Giving a nod, he bowed almost ceremoniously, his green eyes full of amusement, though his face was trained to solemn formality. "I am Balin T'Shai, an aspiring gleeman. I am traveling the world, gathering stories and songs, and the Light willing, I will go as far as you and your fine ship wish to take me."

Following her into the cabin with a small smile quirking at his mouth, he glanced about the furnishings and objects on the shelves with barely concealed awe. He had obviously never been on an Atha'an Miere ship before, much less met one of the dark-skinned people, but he had heard stories. He had been told by others who had traveled with them before of their feirce bargaining and the speed of their ships, and he had to admit, the ship looked like it could really fly out in open waters.

Sitting down across from her, he didn't feel quite so ackwardly tall, and he knew she must have been more comfortable as well not having to look almost straight up at him. He was looking forward to bargaining, though he had next to nothing of value on him. He knew a couple of songs or a few stories could get him pretty far with the shorebound, but what about the Atha'an Miere? Leaning casually back in his chair, securely fastened to the floor, and resting his arm on the hinged armrest, he gave a smile of pure glee, his eyes lighting up. Though he would gladly perform his heart out ever night, he decided to toss out a copper's worth of what he was willing. "I will perform one song and one story for every port you take me to." Suddenly feeling life brimming through his system, he stopped himself just short of laughing as he thought *now THIS is living...*

Balin T'Shai
apprentice gleeman
There's always something to laugh for
IRL lindsay
~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind

Awful day!

Ooc: Awful day! Awful week and I'm taking it out with my char.

Akasi had trouble going to sleep as she was so angry. There could not have been a worse end to the day. After the non stop work of repairs not only had every apprentice and crewman she come across questioned her orders but the deckhands thought they could have a little fun trashing her quarters with seaweed and everything was drenched with salty water. AND she had heard from Nerissa that one of the visitors had been insulting her to Sidana of all people.

No one treated her with the respect she deserved. She was still an apprentice, but it was really in name only. She had been offered a choice: to either become Windfinder of any of the ships lacking a one, none of them rakers, or to wait for the raker that was being built as she spoke in Amayar. (Only building off what Sidana said previously and what is really happening Ooc) She had chosen the latter which meant she had to suffer being an apprentice for that much longer to a woman she did NOT get along with. And outsider not recognizing her authority would not have bothered her that much had all the other apprentices not done the same.

This self-pity was getting her no where she decided. And the situation was not as bad as she was making it. She had respect from those who counted, the Sailmistress, Sidana herself but it was not a friendly one (one has to respect one's rival or rivals one would not be), and she counted Nerissa a friend. And the Apprentices were not required to treat her as a superior while she wore the same insignia as themselves. She sighed, she had this conflict far too often with herself. It really was rather pointless to keep going around in these circles.

But these revelations did not make her bed dry nor did they give her the position she so longed to have. She longed for tomorrow when they'd be leaving out onto the real sea. Where she could feel the waves rocking beneath her; where she could channel.

Ooc: pointless post I know. We need to actually leave!

Apprentice Windfinder (really is a Clan Windfinder, just needs a Wavemistress. *sigh*)
Rival of Sidana
The unhappy camper!

The Moon Rises...

OOC: *hugs Kasi* seems like I'm the only one having a halfway decent day...I'll spread the joy any way I can

IC: Nerissa looked over the decks and the pier once more. Another Crewman would come to take over duty for her in a little while, but she savored the moment on deck for now. Her weariness was just starting to sink in and the moon was beginning to rise...the moon was rising in the sky -- large and eerily orange in color, but beautiful all the same.

She ran her fingers through her hair and looked over the decks, noting the few moving forms. A couple deckhands were tending to their chores -- hopefully -- and the darker man who had first sought passage seemed to be close to going down to his quarters to sleep. She let her eyes flicker away before he could notice. The tall fair man was on deck still as well -- the two men had spoken earlier, before the gleeman - looking fellow had come along. She hadn't heard any of their conversation and was in part quite glad of saved her the guilt of having felt intrusive.

She noted that Sidana and the gleeman (she's assuming that's what he is) had been away for a bit and settled herself in to wait for her replacement. She noted that the boy who would take over for her had been a troublemaker as a deckhand though...he had only been promoted since reaching port. She didn't expect him to come on time, or at all for that matter...she simply put up with it, there wasn't much she could do. She shook her head -- this was nowhere as bad as what Akasi had had to deal with today...she was Nerissa din'Canace and she had no right to complain over a troublesome crewmate.

She sighed quietly enough that no one would hear her and straightened her posture gracefully and slowly. She was exhausted, but all the same she had an image to preserve for herself and the ship...her image was a reflection on his. She smiled, shaking off sleep for a while more, and was glad to be Atha'an Miere...tomorrow, she hoped, they would go again to the sea...

Melantha Amaris of the Wolfkin
Darkflower the Wolfsister
former potter from Saldaea

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: The Moon Rises...

Ooc: Thanx Neri!

Not being able to stand lying in her half-dry frozen bed Akasi got up. She left her quarters to wander the Twilight Moon aimlessly. It wasn't surprising when she ended up on the top deck starring out to the ocean she longed for. And it looked so beautiful this evening with the moon sparkling down on its dark blue, almost black surface. Wanting a better view Akasi headed towards the pier. She was surprised to find Nerissa there and said as much. Nerissa told her she was keeping watch still. "I just came up for a better view," explained Akasi. "The moon is beautiful tonight, but I wish we were enjoying out on the open sea," Nerissa said softly. Akasi smiled at the reflection of her own thoughts, "The light willing we'll be gone tomorrow morning." It suddenly occurred to Akasi that Nerissa shouldn't still be on watch. Her shift should have ended hours ago and the girl looked tired.

"What are you still doing here Crewman? Surely you weren't given an evening watch after having had one all day." It was not a question.

"No Apprentice, you see..." and Nerissa proceeded to explain. "Nerissa, go get some sleep. I'll finish your watch or rather his." Nerissa hesitated to Akasi's annoyance "Are you sure?"

Nerissa, I don't have much of a bed to go back to and if this crewman shows up I'll have immense fun reprimanding him and if he doesn't I'll do the same in the morning. I'd go do it now, I should do it now, but I rather like it up here with this lovely view." Nerissa smiled.

Ooc: I leave it to you tp choose if you insist on staying with me or going to sleep or anything else you can come up with.

Akasi din Kalin
Apprentice Windfinder

Edited by: Kasienda at: 10/20/01 8:46:59 am

Is passage worth so little???

Sidana had heard about the bargains for the other two passengers...wouldn't Akasi be green with envy to hear THIS bargain!! It would be fun, even if it wasn't about gold and silver. She was a little curious about his behavior, though. The twinkle in his eye could be amusement at her (it'd better NOT be!!) or an attempt to 'charm' a good bargain with her (what is it with men who think we're supposed to fall into their arms...JIO???) or it could even be just a characteristic of gleemen...Sidana had only ever met one before, and HE had the same twinkle...

"Is passage with a raker worth so little? We do not plan to stop in every port as we travel. So you would get off very lightly with your offer. I would suggest that you perform every night for passage and berthing space, with a gift for food as well. The Atha'an Miere do not need songs and stories to keep morale up, especially on this ship. He is the best in his class," she said proudly, and not impolitely.

(Willing to agree to frequent performances and that's all)
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

Edited by: Rhysel at: 10/20/01 9:42:00 am

In the Moonlight...

Nerissa agreed to get some sleep finally, but stayed on the deck for a moment more, gazing at the moon. It was a lovely night, if chilly. She looked out across the ocean and wondered if maybe her mother was there, alive and well. She knew it couldn't be this way, but she wished it just as she sometimes wished that her father had washed up on one of the islands of the Amayar. She knew it was hopeless and let out a quiet sigh as she turned to head to her bed for the night...

OOC: short, sweet, pointless, transitional *smiles*to the archive with our posts! (I'm getting to the point where I think it might save time just to throw it in once there's half a dozen posts up).

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: Is passage worth so little???

"Is passage with a raker worth so little? We do not plan to stop in every port as we travel. So you would get off very lightly with your offer. I would suggest that you perform every night for passage and berthing space, with a gift for food as well. The Atha'an Miere do not need songs and stories to keep morale up, especially on this ship. He is the best in his class," she said proudly, and not impolitely.

She almost looked a little smug to him ((since she is, thinking about akasi being jealous )) and frankly, she didn't quite seem to know what to think about him. The sparkle in his eyes was probably disarming enough, but the searching look on her face was almost too much. Letting out a short laugh, he replied with a grin: "No, in fact it is worth a great deal to me, and I must say I'm not surprised at your claims about your ship... It looks to me like the fastest thing on the water!" She looked even prouder, but also more gaurded, as if thinking he was trying to flatter her to lighten the deal.

"I am willing to perform nightly, but I have nothing that anyone but myself would find of value for a gift except that. In return I request to travel with you until you either grow tired of me or until I no longer feel the need for your help." Her face was a study in composed thoughtfulness. She gave away nothing as to her thoughts on the matter as she sat calmly, hands clasped lightly in her lap looking at him. He looked back with eyes that went from amused to peircing as he tried to ascertain what she was thinking. For the first time, he looked past the bluster and the height and realized how pretty she was. Laughing inwardly at himself, he leaned back in his chair, shaking his head. This was no time to be looking at pretty women, it had him in enough trouble back on shore. *concentrate on the bargain you fool* he thought laughingly.

(( since I'm not sure what you'd say exactly at this point, I'll not elaborate so you can do it if you want, if you don't like me typing your char in either, just tell me sorry )) She told him his offer was acceptable, telling him where his quarters would be and that they were leaving first thing the next day.

Picking up his small bundle, he deposited it in his room and came back up onto the deck. Standing at the railing, he looked up at the clear sky, the moon causing the water to sparkle like diamonds. Smiling broadly he sucked in a long breath, smelling the cool salty air and finally let it all out in a sigh. *Now this is a night for the stories*

Balin T'Shai
aspiring gleeman
IRL Lindsay
hoping she is not taking any unacceptable liberties

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~


Nerissa glanced at Jio as he came onboard after the cargo had been loaded. She didn't know how to read his expression as he slipped past her...they were both ready for sleep and perhaps both emotionally burdened. She noticed that he seemed to linger on the decks a little longer than herself, but slipped away to her bed -- it was no business of hers...he was likely waiting for Sidana to come out from the bargaining. The gleeman had come out only moments earlier, smiling to himself and leaning over one side of the ship, gazing at the moon. She would have liked to have been there as well, but her bed beckoned to her...She gave in finally and left the others to themselves, waving to Akasi as she slipped away.

wannabe Hunter for the Horn
Former Wisdom's apprentice
Woman of Mystery

Melantha Amaris of the Wolfkin
Darkflower the Wolfsister
former potter from Saldaea

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

The Moon

He watched the moon for a while, the serenity of the moment sweeping his thoughts away from the people on the decks, the ship. All he could feel was the wood under his arms as he leaned on the railing, the slight breeze moving his long green coat and his hair; it rippled the water so beautifully he thought even the most eloquent writer or story teller could never do it justice. Snapping out of it, he smiled and turned, realizing a man had come on deck, though in the darkness he could not make out much of him.

A woman was just turning away from waving to someone and heading most likely to her bed down below. He realized it was fairly late at this point, but he could not muster up much enthusiasm for sleep; too much had happened lately and his mind was awhirl with excitement and expectancy. Turning back to the waters and the sky, he perched himself on the rail, his legs dangling over the side with no regard for the black waves below. Pulling out his flute- a pretty thing, silver and well taken care of, though a little plain- which he had brought with him, he brought it up to his mouth familiarly and comfortably, licking his lips.

He knew many songs, some with words, some without, some from his childhood, and others that he had picked up between here and Caemlyn, but none seemed to fit the moment.

Frowning slightly, his green eyes all concentration, he started from scratch. His first note was low and caressing, it seemed to travel out over the water, inviting the waves to ripple with the vibrato. Slowly it grew in volume, the notes flowing and bringing a sense of home and comfort and somehow making one think of great things to come... He played for what seemed a long time to him, though if couldn't have been too long. The moon and the stars and the water were his audience, and they seemed to beam in approval as he let the last note fade and lowered his flute. He sat there on the rail, legs dangling over the water, green eyes reflecting the sky, flute in his lap... and let out a low laugh.

Balin T'Shai
apprentice gleeman
IRL lindsay- lover of nature, fine music, and laughter

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

The Music

Nerissa stopped for a moment, hidden fully in shadows and listened to the had been so long since she had heard a gleeman play and she had never heard this tune before. It made her smile as her steps slowed to a halt and she immersed herself in the spell of the melody. A surrender of sorts...letting the music become her world for a moment and letting it fill her. A new tune tonight, a new voyage in the morning, and a new life was almost overwhelming. But she felt alive...She smiled to herself as the tune ended, but the feeling stayed, she doubted it would leave her before the morning...

She turned to walk to her bed and danced instead...her steps graceful and with artistry...

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan


Marcus sat watching as the ships crew slowly drifted off to sleep and the bargaining with the new man went on. He idly wondered if the new man had anything to do with the other, but let that pass. There was no reason to think he was with him and getting to paranoid would be a problem. He would watch the man, but not assume anything until he knew more. The woman who had helped with his bargain, Akasi, came and relieved Nerissa. She seemed about to head down below the deck when a new man showed up with what looked like a large load of goods to be taken down. Nerissa sat watching for a moment as members of the crew and some men who had come with the one who appeared be in charge of it loaded the stock. When they were done she began to head down with the rest. Deciding that there would probably be little more of interest Marcus rose and stretched some. Cabroci had gone below when the man had come with the tradable goods, and now only a few straggling individuals moved along the deck. From the opposite end of the ship a sound slowly welled forth. Marcus paused as the man with the instrument began to play. He had never heard the song, but it was well played. He began to move once more towards the hatch but stopped several feet away. In the shadows Nerissa stood listening to the music. He stopped to watch her in the shadows for a moment as she listened to the song.

Suddenly she turned, almost dancing as she headed for the door to the area below deck, and almost ran into him. She moved back at the sight of his tall, slender form half in the shadows and half in the dim light of the moon. He nodded to her and said, "I am sorry if I startled you. I had only paused to listen to the music and found you standing before me." He smiled slightly and moved a step to the right and forward giving her room to pass if she wished or moving to where they would be closer if she chose to wait and speak.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

Re: Lovely

Tucking his flute into an inner pocket, he turned away from the enchanting moon, lifting first one, then another leg over the railing. Straightening, he stretched largely, starting to feel the effects of the night, though still "giddy as a school girl".

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman

figured I'd slip that in since everyone seems to be on

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

A Smile is...

Nerissa was indeed startled as she ran into the man, but recovered herself. Her state of mind was instantly altered, but she was not so very thrown off that she could not regain composure. She stopped for a moment as he stepped around her and then stayed. She smiled and words came to her -- she meant to introduce herself and perhaps learn his name.

"I am Nerissa din'Canace..." her words trailed off short of the sentence she had intended but they had their effect, he introduced himself and she smilingly continued her dancing past him and down towards her bed, where she finally fell...beyond exhausted, she spent little time reflecting on the long day.

OOC: Yeah, it's short sorry Marcus...not this time *smiles*

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: Lovely

Jio stood in the apex of the the stern of the ship, watching as the ship cut its course from the city. He heard the music, but moved not once. ~She has to love me... There is no feeling that compares to this, nothing that is its equal... And if this is not love, then i don't care for love. I have what i need, and its simply being near her...~

He stopped, as the music ended. He felt his body change its demeanor, the music had seemingly soothed his soul... And he smiled. The gleeman, or the apprentice, or however it worked out, he honestly did not know yet, didn't care to know. The music sang for itself, and it sang of a master's touch. He turned. Perhaps there could be some repayment for such a wonderful peice.


"Teach me to fight."
Jio raised and eyebrow. "YOu do not know how?"
The man shook his shoulders. "no. I know my flute, My trade. It does not include daggers."
Jio chuckled. "All proffessions require a blade, Gleeman."
"Not yet."
Jio was surprised again. Seemed he was right in his assumption. "Apprentice then, i assume?"
The man nodded.
Jio smiled. "Perhaps then that performance can be repaid by another? I shall teach you a sword."
The man looked up, his eagerness unhidden and written quite plainly on his face.


The blade sat in Jio's grasp, balanced an even. Years of this had indeed created a sense of wellbeing and ability with it in his grasp. He started to move.

His eyes closed, and he stood on the quarter deck, bathed in the light of the lanterns that kept the ship lit. First the slender and slightly curved scimitar came up, and the blade then rested in his other hand, as if he had drawn an arrow, but without the bow. Standing there for a moment, keeping his balance, he slowly started to focus intensely on the sword. It lifted from his hand, and his left foot slid, changing his stance, the blade standing before him, at the ready. Engaging a shadow foe, the blade came up, in both hands, as if to parry an over hand strike. Flashing in the lantern light, it danced down, slash becoming as thrust, parry becoming as downward cut. His bare feet slapped the deck with a gentle patter-pat sounnd as he danced the shadows the lanterns cast on the deck. An undercut became a backhanded parry, and then became yet another thrust. The spar was on, and the shadows would have died all if they had flesh.

You're training will begin after your reply. Also, neri, the others, if you're interested in jumping in, do so.

Re: Lovely

"Teach me to fight." It wasn't a demand, and he waited for the answer with breath held. Jio raised and eyebrow. "YOu do not know how?"

Smiling lightly, he shrugged. "no. I know my flute, My trade. It does not include daggers." Jio chuckled. "All proffessions require a blade, Gleeman."

"Not yet." he was surprised at the title, as he was not wearing the trademark patched cloak, and he didn't consider himself so talented yet. The man named Jio seemed surprised. "Apprentice then, i assume?" Smiling, his eyes sparkling, he gave a nod. The man smiled back, then responded. "Perhaps then that performance can be repaid by another? I shall teach you a sword."

Balin grinned, his eagerness unhidden and written quite plainly on his face.

The blade flashed, catching the moonlight, then disappearing as fast as it had shown itself. The moonlight reflected in his green eyes and lighted the figure of a man with a sword, seemingly in a dance with the darkness, fighting with moonbeams, and had they been catchable, he would have caught them a thousand times over. Standing off to one side, he watched the performance with unhidden awe, his mouth corners quirked up in a smile.

When Jio had finished, he stepped forward, his eyes searching Jio's in the darkness. "Was that song really worth that much in your eyes? Enough to want to teach me to do THAT?" His voice hinted at amazement, he hadn't really listened to the song as he played and he hadn't realized anyone else had been listening either.

Jio smiled, simply smiled. Laughing, he held out a lightly scarred hand for the other man to shake.

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman
gonna learn how to carve shadows

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

Re: Lovely

Jio smiled then laughed. "Play, as that, gleeman, and you shall dance the dance. Your music is payment enough, if it calms my heart."

Jio moved, and made for the railing, Balin and Nerissa both joined him. "The sword is not the only part of the fight. Granted, it shall be the result maker in the end, but you are the fight. How you move, your stance, your demeanor, even the look on your face can win you a fight."

He drew out his sword, and laid it on the rail, starting to hone its already sharp blade with his whetstone.

"My father taught me how to fight. He was the best. He was the Master Of Swords, in another clan, so long ago. He told me that not being able to be hit by the sword was as good as being able to parry anything. If you were not there to be hit, you didn't even have to raise your sword in defense. That allows you the time to raise it in offense." He smiled, and stopped running the sharpening stone on the sword. "It is as a dance, sometimes with a single partner, sometimes as if being in a room full of people. You learn how to move with them, between them, around them, you become a fighter. You learn to do it with your sword, you can become a killer. Once you can dance and fight at the same time, you become a frigthening thing to face." Looking at the two, he smiled. "Agility, is the basis of the dance. On the morrow, you'll both have your chance to learn agility, on my deck. Neri, i'm pulling you from your detail in the morning, i'll have it cleared with the mistress. Balin, early, mind you." He pointed at the stern. "There. Thats where you'll be."


Flying Over the Waters...

Nerissa woke from a brief sleep and found herself unable to return to her bed, beckoned by a tune from above, she decided to go to it. She felt so very alive...they were at sea now...her heavy eyelids and sleepiness was no burden to her. She rushed to ready herself to come above deck and then had to restrain herself from the girlish behavior of running up.

As she came above, she noticed Jio "fighting the shadows" with his blade and the gleeman intently brought back memories of her childhood. For an instant, she almost believed herself on the decks of the Silver Wake -- a ship she had spent some of her youth on while her parents had been alive. Her father had been the Cargomaster and had once shown the young crewmen and deckhands his skill in this way...he had taught them also. She had to hold back a choking sob as the reality that her father had drowned in a tempest dawned upon her...she was glad that no one could have seen her face go pale as she had taken a trip back up through her memories. She settled a smile onto her face and asked Jio if she could join in the lessons.

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

walkin' the walk, dancin' the dance

Balin listened carefully, his eyes, normally so full of amusement were startlingly peircing, intent.

"Agility, is the basis of the dance. On the morrow, you'll both have your chance to learn agility, on my deck. Neri, i'm pulling you from your detail in the morning, i'll have it cleared with the mistress. Balin, early, mind you." He pointed at the stern. "There. Thats where you'll be."

Turning his head, he grinned, imagining it all. He'd never been out on the sea before. Truth to tell, he'd never been on a BOAT before, period. Looking back at Jio and down at him slightly, since Balin was taller, he nodded. "Early is no problem." Laughing at his own eagerness he headed back for his room, already learning to keep his balance with the slightly swaying ship.

Sitting down gently on his bed, he unrolled his "pack" which was actually nothing more than a cloak with a few multi-colored patches carefully stitched on in the corner. He lifted a bundle that was especially heavy for only being a few wrapped up shirts, and started setting them aside, revealing a black-scabbarded sword. It had belonged to his uncle, a retired Royal Gaurd in Caemlyn. Grinning, he set that also aside and pulled up a pouch.

Digging through it's contents, he produced a needle, thread, and a pile of multi-colored patches of different sizes and materials. Grinning, he selected a square, a plain white one that looked oddly comparable to an innkeeper's apron. Taking up the needle, he went to work with a will through the night, adding yet another patch to a gradually developing gleeman's cloak.


Morning could not have come fast enough for him if the Wheel of Time suddenly busted off it's axle and made it morning that second. It was all he could do to make himself snatch two hours of sleep. Sighing, he climbed out of his bed, walking up to the deck in the morning darkness barefooted, valiantly keeping his footing with the growing sway of the deck boards.

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

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Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai
