Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai


Watching the Docks
As soon as the Sailmistress was out of sight, Nerissa went to work, inspecting the hull...the damage to him was not horrible, but is was worth noting -- damage could accumulate over long voyages if left unchecked. She then went about setting right what little bits she could while keeping watch and making note of what repairs would have to fall to others more skilled in them...tough places she dared not try to get at.
She went on deck once she was done inspecting the hull and stood for a second, observing the milling masses around ships nearby...comforted by the gentle rocking here. She didn't trip over her own feet on a ship...never...she never became sick here either. She thought back to when she tripped on the docks -- she had felt high and almost alive for a second before her stomach had lurched and her steps faltered -- ...she shook her head in remembrance of that strange and mixed. Like strange liquors and dishes of some countries...nice at first and then...
She chose not to think of it any longer and focus on her task at hand...she had been given the job of keeping watch and minding that no one come onboard without fetching Akasi and bringing the seeker of passage to Sidana's cabin. There was no one who might be seeking passage quite yet...but without a doubt they would come -- the ships of the Atha'an Miere were legendary for their speed and Nerissa noted that the Twilight Moon was certainly deserving of the praise in had, after all, made the voyage in very good time. She studied, from the corner of one eye, a man on the docks nearby who seemed to be sizing up the ship and noted his the Amayar, only taller. She puzzeled at him and corrected her posture to be more dignified yet not overstepping rank in a graceful segue so as not to make it obvious should the observer cast him eyes upon her. He finally walked away and she sighed...she wondered if he would be back so she could study him some more -- strange and unattractive to her as he was, he held himself oddly for a mainlander...
She turned her eyes to look at Akasi as she tended to the sails and immersed herself in the duties of Windfinder with passion. She hoped in her heart that she would be there one day...
Nerissa sighed and turned her eyes back to the milling crowds of the port...those who would seek passage, those who would trade, the hoodlums, the crewman and deckhands, passengers hauling their possesions off the docks at the end of their voyage at sea, and the ever present people who came near to the Twilight Moon just to study or stare...
Nerissa patiently posed and waited for them all...some might be back to board in a while while others looked ready to leave at a minute's notice. She smiled to herself...always something new in this life...always something interesting.
The sun beat down on her back through the light material of the blouse and she wished that she didn't have to wear it...but comforted herself that she only had to wear it a short while...
She held herself in anticipation as someone came near as though pondering boarding...she waited for a moment...yes, she wanted a definite answer before bothering Akasi or Zahneel...

OOC: *yawns and runs off to take cold shower*

Nerissa din'Canace
Crewman on the Twilight Moon

Edited by: Nerissa din Canace at: 9/30/01 7:30:48 pm

Ooc: Same exact post I put on the Sea Folk one, but I figured it should be here too right???

Akasi sighed as she got to her duties. Nothing was different. She had to do all the same things, except now she had more of those same things. On the upside she did have more of the authority that she wanted even if for now it lacked the respect she wanted with it. Not that they didn't respect her, just not as a windfinder even though for all intent and purposes she was one. One afternoon had been enough to discover that. She was not a superior, she was an equal to many and some of them felt they had to check with the Sailmistress just to make sure. And, she admitted to herself, had she been in there position she probably would have done the same as she was still their equal as much as she hated it.

She enjoyed being a windfinder more at sea where her special skills were needed. Where she could feel the sea breeze blowing in her face and the boat rocking beneath her feet...where she could channel. And that was not the most pleasant of thoughts. She loved to channel, to bathe in the ectasy it provided, but she was still afraid of it. That was why Sidana had been raised and she had not. As long as she was afraid she didn't have complete control.

Suddenly, out of no where, a wave of loneliness swept over her and she fought the urge to cry. She knew she had no friends. No real ones anyway and it was to the fault of no one but herself. She had been cold and distant and that never attracted possible friends. But she had her reasons...if only Meyadt were here she could bear it all...

Akasi and her older sister, Meyadt, were crouched behind a huge crate on the deck of the Water Dancer (sorry I'm not very original with names). They were waiting and their mother would be furious had she known what was going on. They had put a nest of scorpions (and no, they're aren't a poisonous kind) they had acquired on shore the day before in the crewmen's quarters. They sat restlessly.

"Meyadt, nothing's happening," whined a young Akasi, "the scorpions must not have been disturbed. We must have put them in the wrong place."

"Shh, don't say that so loud. Someone'll hear you. And don't worry. They just haven't all waken up yet. Be patient."

As if on queue someone screamed and before they could blink there were crewman and a few deckhands running around trying to shake off the little parasites. Akasi and Meyadt were rolling over in a fit of laughter. And then suddenly a shadow fell over them. It was the Windfinder staring down at them sternly. The two girls struggled to their feet still fighting off the last of their laughing attacks.

"Just what do you think is so funny?!" she demanded of them

"Mother..." Meyadt winced as soon as she began "I mean, Windfinder, please we were just..." she begain to explain.

Akasi could not help but smile at the memory. She needed to stop brooding her she realized. It was keeping her from enjoying the tasks onerous though they could be. And then the day and recent events didn't seem quite so bad.

Hours later she was mending the sails and enjoying it. Nerissa was watching as multitudes of people passed by and Akasi was keeping half an eye on her. She reprimanded herself for doing so because if she had been in Nerissa's position she would have been furious with someone not trusting her, not even giving her a chance to make a mistake. But Akasi couldn't help it. She noticed the person approaching the ship and was about to "welcome" him, but then hesitated. No, she would wait to see how Nerissa would handle it.

Long-lost Sister of Meyadt
Rival of Sidana
Apprentice Windfinder

Approaching *This is Marcus*
OOC: Ok, I am 6'2'' with longish brown hair and eyes. Although tall I am very slender. I depend more on grace and dexterity then speed. The hair is shaved on the sides and back, but the top is long and it hangs down in a ponytail. I carry an axe and a long bow with arrows. I wear a brown cloak, and light leather armor. I am a pretty quiet man.

IC: Marcus approached the ship easily through the crowd. He was a large man who moved more easily, his form slipping through the crowd as easily as he would generally slip through the small passes in the woods without leaving a trail. Moving through the docks was harder, but many moved out of his way and he passed with little notice through the crowd. Soon he could see the ship and he turned to approach it. It was sleek and he moved at a slow walk as he broke through the crowd and looked it over. He could see several tanned men and women moving along it's length or working on keeping it going. He moved forward easily, his face having a light smile to show he meant to be friends as he approached them. The pack over his back and his boots said that he had traveled far and as he moved to the ship he thought he was giving the impression that he wished to sail with them. As he approached he pulled out a small bag and moved to stand a few feet from the plank that lead to the ship.

"Good day," he called out as he waited for someone to come and talk to him.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

Greeting the Seeker of Passage
Nerissa had watched the man as he approached the plank. He was taller than she by a notable amount though she was tall herself (about 5' 9'') and now moved towards him, greeting him in return, perhaps a little shyly. It had been a couple years since she had been off the islands of the Sea of Storms and she had grown unaccumstomed to dealing with shorebound who were not Amayar. She studied him quickly and took note of his build and his graceful movement...almost as skillfull as if he'd spent his life on a ship...almost. He had dark hair and eyes...something comforting though on a shorebound. This man would be seeking passage no doubt. She sensed Akasi's eyes at her back and began to speak calmly collected and not fully hinting that she was merely a Crewman put on watch, while not overstepping the bounds the Sailmistress had set for her.
"Do you seek the gift of passage?" she asked perhaps a touch formally and restraining the urge to tug at her blouse which was perhaps a little too small. He answered that he did. Nerissa nodded slightly and replied "You must speak with the Sailmistress then for only she may grant the gift of passage...follow me." She half turned and led him to the cabin, knocking to be sure that Zahneel was ready for buisness...having received a relpy from within that they could enter she led him in...wondering how soon she would be able run and fetch Akasi to the cabin.

Nerissa din'Canace
Crewman on the Twilight Moon

OOC: I hope I'm doing this right *tries to catch breath* someone pulled a fire alarm while i was writing this so I hope I'm not too disjointed

How come my HTML tags aren't working?
IC: Akasi smiled. The girl was doing wonderful. She had said all the right things and had done an excellent job of implying that she carried more authority than she did. She would make an excellent Windfinder some day and then she would have no need to pretend. Akasi winced at the thought. She was already thinking of herself as the Windfinder. She had to remind herself that she wasn't there just yet and she couldn't afford to overstep her position or she'd be an apprentice for another year if not two. So instead of rushing off towards the sailmistress' cabin she continued working on her sail knowing that she would be fetched when she was needed.

That time came sooner than she had expected it. Nerissa came out of no where. "Akasi," she called, "the Sailmistress requires your presence." Akasi smiled at the crewman and nodded acknowledgement. "Lead the way and stop tugging at your blouse."

She usually hated this sort of thing. Following someone to a place you knew how to get to seemed a waste of time, but this time she didn't mind as she enjoyed Nerissa's company.

"So how did I do?" she asked suddenly
"Was I that inconspicuous?" Nerissa nodded, "Well, you did great accept next time I think you're better off summoning both Sailmistress and Windfinder so that they are presented as united front. That will usually throw off the guest and give us the upper hand and also so that he doesn't have to wait before the bargaining can begin. Sometimes getting right down to the matter throws them off too. But I'm sure the Sailmistress has it all in hand and is using this time to her advantage." And Nerissa nodded again seeming to soak in every word.

They had arrived fairly quickly and knocked. When she received consent from within she swung the door open and walked inside with Nerissa at her heel. She wondered if she should send the girl out to do some chore or such thing. But then thought better of it. Zhaneel would sent her away if she did not want her present, but Akasi thought Nerissa would learn a lot from watching this. So would Akasi herself she reminded herself. She had only participated in this kind of bargain once...twice she corrected herself, but she had plenty of experience dealing. What Aethan Miere had not? And she knew what she had to do. She'd say little. For the most part she was supposed to inform Zhaneel of any weakness she saw. And then another thought occurred to her. Nerissa was not the only one being tested today.

Zhaneel smiled as she came in and gestured for her to sit down next to her across from their potential customer. And the battle, for that's what it was, began.

Akasi din Kalin I mean Apprentice Windfinder
Sidana's rival

Edited by: Kasienda at: 10/2/01 7:25:01 pm

The Bargain
Zhaneel stood as the tall dark man entered. He was handsome although perhaps a bit lanky for her liking. She gestured to a seat across from her and waited for him to sit down before adressing Nerissa.

"Go fetch Akasi, for she will be the windfinder in this bargain." She said this trying to keep to custom without giving away that Akasi was not truly their windfinder. When Nerissa turned closing the door behind her Zhaneel turned to face the customer. She had hoped that Akasi would have been here from the start but what was done could not be undone. "This is my ship Twilight Moon, he has arrived just today. He will be departing within the week and should you chose to board him you will be given a room with a window, a bed and a washbasin." The tall man nodded in acceptance and Zhaneel smiled hoping this meant she had the upper hand as he had not objected to the room. But one should never count their chickens before they are hatched.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Zhaneel stood once again as she issued Akasi to enter. She smiled and gestured to a chair which would keep the man having to look at each as they spoke and not both at once. This would give the non-speaker time to see any weaknesses.

Taking her seat again Zhaneel introduced Akasi. "This is Windfinder Akasi representing Windfinder Sidana of the Wind Dancers. I am Zhaneel, Sailmistress to the Twilight Moon of the Wind Dancer Clan. If it is passage you seek then there is the gift of passage which must be discussed." Zhaneel looked directly into the dark man's eyes waiting for his introduction and his proposition for the gift of passage.

Sailmistress to the Twilight Moon
Not sure if I'm doin this right but I'm tired, its late and I still have soooooo much work to do :P

Marcus followed the woman onto the ship and into a cabin where a second woman sat. She stood as they entered and motioned him to sit as she sent the second woman out to get someone. He looked over the woman carefully as they waited. She had an easy control about her like she was used to giving orders and seeing them followed quickly and carefully. She looked him over just as carefully as they waited and made some small talk of telling him about the ship and what would happen if they agreed. When the second woman arrived Zhaneel, who was the Sailmistress, introduced the new woman as the Windfinder Akasi. She was the woman who had been mending sails when he had arrived. From what he knew the Windfinder was a high position within the Sea Folk and he was a little surprised to find her doing that. Keeping his eyes mainly on Zhaneel even though they sat to oppisite sides of him.

" If it is passage you seek then there is the gift of passage which must be discussed." Zhaneel said and then it was his turn to make a move. "Let us talk then Sailmistress, of sailings and ports, and the Gift of Passage." With that formal gretting he pulled out a bag and retrieved a single golden ring with with small, but perfectly cut diamond set in it. Sliding it across the table he watched to see Zhaneel's reaction, having decided that the other women may someday have power, but for now she would bow before the others wishes.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

RE: Watching the Docks...
Winds softly played with Cabroci's hair as he watched the Whitecloak spy from the shadows. He had followed the man for quite a while now, and almost admired his skill in moving through the forests. Still, he had been able to follow him, so the man wasn't good enough. He smiled. It had been a pleasant surprise to him that the trail he followed had went to his hometown. Cabroci had kept low profile, hiding his identity from most of his childhood friends, only revealing himself to those that could help him find this spy. Now he was observing his man as he made his way onto the ship, and settled down to wait. If the man reached an agreement, he would have to go onto the ship himself. It would be good to be on a boat himself, at least, Cabroci admitted that he liked the sea. Besides, those Sea Folk women sure were fun to watch. Cabroci blushed slightly as he thought about Elanor, and all thought was erased by the single emotion of missing her. <i>I hope she's okay. Sometimes....</i> He didn't finish the thought. He loved Elanor, but sometimes duty was more important. And she could take care of herself.

Suddenly Cabroci blinked, and saw the spy come on deck, obviously happy with having reached an agreement. Cabroci nodded to himself, and swiftly dove into a small alley, running to the local blacksmith. The blacksmith, the father of Cabroci's best friend, had taken him in, and Cabroci had to tell him he was leaving again. And get his stuff.

"Delthor...I have to leave again. By ship. Can I take care of my horse...I'll pay you, of course." Cabroci got out his purse, and grabbed two gold pieces. "I'll watch your horse Cabroci. It was good to see you again...oh..and if you ever see Zbynek again, tell him we love him and miss him, and that he has to visit us sometimes." Cabroci nodded. "I will. Thanks for the hospitality. May the Light shine on you and the Hand of the Creator shelter you." With that, Cabroci grabbed his saddlebags, and was out the door again, swiftly running through the crowds. He could not leave this spy out of his sight for too long. As he reached the ship again, he let out a small sigh of relief. The spy was still there, and looking quite....satisfied, would be best to call it.

With an amused smile, Cabroci stopped in front of the ship, calling out with a voice radiating amusement: "Hello the ship."
Cabroci Ramzael
OOC: So the post sucked...I'm a bit sick. ANYWAY...Cabroci is a tall, blond guy, with blue eyes. He smiles a LOT. and I mean A LOT. He moves lightly, and very agile for someone his size. He's not broad in the shoulders, just average, I guess. He wears a one/two handed katana on his back, a really good sword. He never wears armor, and is now wearing leather pants, a white shirt and a brown cloak. Well..that's it..
'Honor to serve'
Brother to Cabroci Ramzael
When the piper plays his tune, it's just you, your sword, and courage.

Another Seeking Passage
Nerissa had taken her spot up again to watch the pier's activity and was standing dignified but with ease near the plank, letting her dark hair blow in the light breeze. She knew well that she could pass for older than her seventeen years like this and used it to as much advantage as she thought proper...all the while resisting the urge to tug at her blouse which didn't fit her quite right -- she didn't like the feel of the fabric on her skin. The day was wearing on now and the crowds were still far from thinning...they wouldn't thin out until the night had settled in. She had left Zahneel in the cabin with Akasi and the tall dark man who sought passage was looking out to sea for the moment. Nerissa only gave him a moments notice because the tall fair man had appeared in the crowds around the ship. He stepped lightly and wore a smile as he made his way through the crowd. The man with golden hair and blue eyes...too tall by far to be Amayar...the strange shorebound. He carried a sword on his back and wore no armor...she puzzeled at him for a moment while trying to remain dignified and looking from the corner of her eyes so as not to stare. He approached the plank and called from its edge.
"Hello the ship." he said with a smile across his face. Nerissa wanted to laugh...he never did stop smiling did he...he would be amusing to watch while at sea in those rare moments when she was not occupied. Passengers never failed to amuse her, but some seemed to be better suited to it than others -- this one would be well worth watching.
Nerissa responded by asking him if he sought passage and he in turn answered that he did. She wondered about this man to herself but dismissed it and led him to Zahneel's cabin...Akasi was likely still in there. She knocked and announced to the Sailmistress that there was a man who sought passage with her and waited for an answer from within.

Nerissa din'Canace
Crewman on the Twilight Moon

OOC: *giggles to self* it's a fine post sickness is understandable too...your char's physical description reminds me of my IRL boyfriend's Freelander (he's tall, blonde, blue eyes, katana too)...sort of appropriate that I started pulling chars I know from my stores to describe those on the pier originally (I only had him and a few wolfkin that I could use other than Atha'an Miere so he was the easy target )...falling together quite well! *smiles at Zahneel* it's your turn

Edited by: Nerissa din Canace at: 10/4/01 1:04:52 pm

Oops....I'm falling behind....
OOC: yeesh you people reply quickly *smiles excitedly* I like it *ggls* goes, lets see if I can get it right.....

IC:Zhaneel smiled inwardly at the gorgeous ring that was placed on the table before her. She would not show how quickly she was ready to accept this offer. The man must be fairly desperate to leave Falme for he did not want to go an extremely far distance and this ring would more than cover the cost. Cautiously she picked it up and examined the sparkling diamond set in the center of the golder circle. She imagined it sitting on her finger and nearly blushed at having thought such things. Setting it down she steepled her fingers and peered into the dark man's eyes.

"I am prepared to accept this gift, but should you require to travel further than you have mentioned than we will need to re-discuss the gift." The man nodded and a gleam in his eyes told her that he had expected such an anwer. Frowning she looked to Akasi. "Do you have any objections to accepting this gift Windfinder Akasi." She added the title almost out of spite at having let this man get exactly where he wanted and as he expected. Akasi nodded and Zhaneel could see the frustration in her eyes as well. The offer was a good one, but it was dissapointing to finish a bargain so quickly. "It is settled. The bargain has been made." And with that she dismissed him and sat back in her chair.

Akasi stayed where she was waiting for Zhaneel to say something. Zhaneel sighed and explained the situation. "Of course you know that a bargain usually takes longer, and as well it is usually made where we make an extravegant request and they respond with a reduculous offer. It then evens out usually to our advantage before the bargain is made." Akasi nodded. She had learned this of course in her training. Standing to dismiss Akasi and to check on the crew she was interupted by a knock at the door. "Come in." She said frowning in consternation.

The door opened to admit a tall hadsome man with soft blonde hair. He stood taller than her (she's only 5'2'') but he was very hadsome. She smiled as she gestured to a chair oposite her and motioned for Akasi to take her seat again.

"Good day sir. I am Zhaneel, Sailmistress to the Twilight Moon, of the Wind Dancer Clan. This is Akasi, she is Windfinder today for the Twilight Moon. If it is passage which you seek then there is the gift of passage which much be discussed." The words came out methodically from many times of use. The man was smiling, which made her smile, it seemed as if the smile was a permanent feature on his face. Tucking her long dark hair behind her ear she waited for his response, trying to compose herself and wipe away her ridiculous smile.

Sailmistress to Twilight Moon
OOC: sorry that I added a bit about where you were going but I had to have a reason for accepting so quickly oh and hello Cabrocci, nice to see ya This trip is deffinately gonna be causing some trouble hehehe sounds like fun *enjoys a bit of mayhem*

Observations in the doorway...and after
Nerissa noticed as he went in that Zahneel had caught whatever the man had which made him smile so much...she had to slap the silly smile off her own face as she noticed she was smiling too. There was irony in that the Sailmistress was the shortest of the group assembled (Nerissa is about 5' 9'') but Nerissa didn't notice that. Zahneel was to be respected and as such, things such as height were of no consequence. Nerissa began to close the door behind her as she left them, turning her attentions to the pier and the dark man who had been granted passage just a few minutes before, dividing her attentions between them and keeping vigilance over both. The sun was falling in the sky now and Sidana and Jio might come back at any time...perhaps...maybe -- if they hadn't fallen into their childishness again and forgotten they were Atha'an Miere of rank! Nerissa sighed and thought of the man now bargaining with Zahneel...he would be handsome if he were darker...her lips drew together in one corner, smirking on the side of her face covered in the late afternoon shadows. She couldn't believe herself...the shorebound men...if only they were Atha'an Miere. She fought to stay composed and had success. Internally she was laughing at herself for thinking about shoreboys while externally she erased her smirk entirely just before the "dark man" looked at her...
She straightened herself and looked out across the thinning crowds around the all liklihood there would be no more seekers of passage today.

Nerissa din'Canace
Crewman on the Twilight Moon

OOC: I know it drifts completely off topic in pursuit of my own char development and the passage of time, but I didn't have much else to do...can you blame me
btw...for everyone involved in this, my char is 5' 9'' and thin but very well endowed (I blame the Kadin, it's his fault) for a 17 year old. Black hair, brown eyes, habit of studying people and if you bring up the topic of Seanchan she gets upset. (have fun playing with the Crewman's mind) She also has a bright red tattoo on her right upper arm of twisted ropes.
*giggles wildly* things will get very interesting

Edited by: Nerissa din Canace at: 10/4/01 3:47:03 pm

Marcus was happy with how the bargaining had gone. He had not allowed them to drive up prices, and showed that he was not a weakling. Dealing with a people who were supposed to be as strict as the Sea Folk were for rank meant they would appreciate that and so it was worth it. When he had left the cabin he moved to an unobtrusive spot that would allow him to watch the crew and those who passed by on the dock and stay out of the way of the crew. Almost immediately a tall blond man came gliding along the dock. He hailed the ship and the girl Narissa greeted him like she had greeted Marcus earlier and then led the man to see the Sailmistress. Watching the two as they moved along the ship he changed his thoughts of her. She did not bare the marks that hard sailing would give, but she was definitely no girl. Although she was nice to look upon, Marcus found himself turning to view the man. His sudden appearance could be coincidence or it could be something else. Marcus was skilled in the woods having trained with some of the best he knew of since he was a child, but on his way here he had begun to get the feeling that he was followed. For one in his line that was not a good thing, but he had been hard pressed to get here and his small measures to check his back trail had proven useless. This man had the same easy grave that Marcus had seen before. It came from running silently and stealthily through the tight, narrow paths of the wilderness without leaving a trail that any but the best would fine hard to find.

Turning to look at the sea he frowned and wondered what this would mean. He was not worried about the man, fighting the Seanchan had tought Marcus enough that he was not worried about his ability to survive an encounter with most men. And those who showed themselves to skilled in hand to hand were still easily removed with his bow. If the man meant him trouble though while he was in the middle of the sea on a boat would make things difficult. Letting his frown fall away he turned back and cought a small glimpse of Narissa as she turned quickly away. He seemed not to notice but considered the action in his mind as he let his gaze skip across the crowded dock. He did not know enough about the Sea Folk that he wanted to tempt fate with Narissa, at least not yet. Not with other things left unsaid in his past, although she would probably be a wealth of information if he could get her to talk. Tales talked of the Sea Folk women, but most tales of that sort tended to be almost the exact opposite of what happened so he doubted in the time he had that anything would even have a chance to happen, which for all intents was fine with him. Glancing back at the cabin where the other man now bartered his mind began to flow through the possibilites. It was said that the Sea Folk could only deny Aes Sedai passage which meant the man would come. Thinking over all those he had met so far he was sure of only one thing, being part of the Eye let him fall into strange positions.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light's me...
"Good day sir. I am Zhaneel, Sailmistress to the Twilight Moon, of the Wind Dancer Clan. This is Akasi, she is Windfinder today for the Twilight Moon. If it is passage which you seek then there is the gift of passage which much be discussed." At these words, a knowing smile played across Cabroci's face, saying: 'Of course you are.' When she stopped, Cabroci's eyes shot from the Sailmistress to the Windfinder, quickly dismissing her. If his memory served him correctly, she wasn't even a windfinder. But then again, it was a long time ago he had last seen one, so he could be wrong. The Sailmistress, however, was another matter. Her eyes spoke of strength, and of a force of will. She would be a lot of fun, at least, until he confirmed the man he had followed really was a whitecloak spy. After that, she could become very difficult. She would not stand for fighting on the decks. Oh well. He had dealt with difficult women more often. He smiled as he remembered a time in Ebou Dar, when....NO. He corrected himself. Bargain.

"Yes...I am here to discuss the Gift of Passage." He shot a winning smile at the captain. "But first. How fast is he, and where are you sailing?" He slowly stepped back so that he could watch them both at the same time, eliminating their advantage as much as he could.
OOC: It's short, I know...
'Honor to serve'
Brother to Cabroci Ramzael
When the piper plays his tune, it's just you, your sword, and courage.

How am I ever going to keep up with you people?!
Akasi was a bit surprised when Zhaneel had introduced her as Windfinder. Technically she should have done no such thing, but under the circumstances she could understand, but then if these shorebound had done their homework they would know she wasn't a full one, not yet anyway. But she felt honored just the same...even if it was just for show. She was disappointed that the bargain had ended so quickly. She hadn't had a chance to do anything, but she had to admit it was a good deal. There was no reason to push it. Zhaneel spoke for a few moments seeming to air her thoughts more than anyting. She too seemed disappointed. After a few moments, Akasi rose to go, but just as she did there was another knock on the cabin door and yet another shorebound came in.

He too, was seeking the gift of passage. He had a disarming smile, which could be bad as it would tend to put them off guard. Of course since she, and probably Zhaneel too, were aware of it it wouldn't be AS effective. Akasi took an almost instant dislike to him. She had seen the way he had glanced at her before dismissing her completely. She may not be a Windfinder, but for all intents and purposes she was the windfinder and had the authority Sidana would have were she present. He thought she was unimportant did he? Well, she was going to prove what being a windfinder was all about.

She leaned back pretending disinterest as if she'd rather be anywhere but where she was all the while taking mental notes of everything from mannerisms to everything word he said. She needed more experience at this sort of thing. She should have realized that his dismissing her was the best thing that could have happened. If he underestimated her or the power of her position then she had the advantage, but it was best not to assume he had done so.

Akasi didn't answer the question not wanting to draw any attention to herself. Not yet. Later she would have to become more involved, but for now she had to find out as much as possible in a very short period of time. After Zahneel explained that the Twilight Moon was a raker and plenty fast heading south with obvious pride in her voice. Akasi settled trying to make her anticipation of a real bargain appear to be boredom. She wasn't sure how well it was working.

Apprentice Windfinder

Sorry so short, but I'm going to bed now.

"A raker. And heading south. Yes. That would serve my purpose very well." Cabroci smiled. "I don't know how long I will be accompanying you, but I will pay for the first three ports down South." Cabroci smiled, and got 3 gold pieces out of his purse. "This should be more then enough." He delivered the outrageous offer with a look on his face like he was giving them a large bonus.
OOC: bargaining is done with two Zhan

Edited by: Cyriel Ramzael at: 10/6/01 3:44:31 am

I'm sooooooo sorry guys......
OOC: sorry that it took me so long to respond, it was thanksgiving here in Canada and I had lots to do, sorry ( Ok, I'll try my bestest.....thanks for starting low tho Cyriel!! Should be fun hehehe......

IC: Zhaneel scowled at the three gold coins on the table but smiled inwardly at the beginning of a real bargain. Looking up at Cabroci she steepled her fingers and licked her lips calmly before speaking.

"Unfortunately what you consider to be satisfactory would very well not get you out of this port." She took a deep breath before continuing. "As I told you before this is a raker, one of the fastest, it is well built and well guided for speed." She tried not to glance at Akasi so as not to remind him that he was being well observed. "Despite its speed it may take up to 8 days to reach even Ebou Dar. That being on bad conditions. For an 8 day journey we will require at least 50 gold pieces." His smile vanished before he realized she was putting an extreme to his extreme. She leaned back in her chair and wodered if she had missed anything important in his manerisms then dimissed the thought knowing those were Akasi's worries for the moment.

The discussion continued back and forth as the two continued to through rediculous sums at each other. Akasi continued to sit in the background observing the two. She seemed to be ignoring the conversation and her face suggested that she had better places to go. The two bargainers were so deep in conversation anyhow that Zhaneel was sure Cabroci and completely forgetten the young woman was even there. Zhaneel tried to keep the bargain heated so that he would stay focussed on her so Akasi could find his weeknesses and they could get more out of the bargain.

Zhaneel liked this man already, he was good at bargaining and wasn't giving up quickly, and he hadn't started with an extremely good offer.....she nearly scowled remembering the last man's offer but quickly brought her thoughts back to the present, this bargain, now, that's what was important.

Sailmistress to the Twilight Moon

OOC: Sorry it wasn't very good, but I kinda left it near the end of the bargain and that way you can keep it going or just finish it, doesnt' matter, oh and Akasi, if you wanna jump in here go for it!!!

The bargaining kept on going till late in the afternoon, and Cabroci slowly wearied, but the captain started to look weary too, and perhaps a bit irritated. Now and then he shot a look at the "windfinder", but at the end decided she wasn't going to mingle, just observe his weaknesses. He smiled. She would find some, of course, but he knew his own weaknesses, and how to counter them. "20 goldpieces, Sailmistress. No more." She considered, and shared a look with her Windfinder. "Okay. It is agreed, under the Light." Cabroci smiled. "It was good bargaining with you. I would like to talk to you again. I'm sure there are many things we could discuss. It is hard to find amusing people in this dull world." Cabroci bowed, and with a smile and a wink left the room.

When he had left the room, he grinned to himself, and flipping a coin in the air, he went to the deck, to smell the air of the sea. Looking out over the ocean, he smiled. He had missed this.
'Honor to serve'
Brother to Cabroci Ramzael
When the piper plays his tune, it's just you, your sword, and courage.

gettin into hot waters......
Zhaneel coughed as she realized she had been smiling like a little girl at the man's wink. She felt her cheeks heating in embarassment. Turning to Akasi she ended the bargain.

"This was deffinately a more interesting bargain. The 20 gold marks which we recieved is a little more than I had hoped and therefore exactly as expected." Smiling Zhaneel dismissed Akasi with a pleased look on her face.

She pushed the gold coins around in her hand thinking of the passage ahead. They had only to wait for Jio and Sidana to return. She hoped they had done as well as she had today. Slowly she found her mind drifting to their new passangers. The tall dark man seemed well enough, but for some reason he frightened her. Perhaps it was the seriousness in which he kept their conversation. Perhaps it was the way he seemed to be searching for something or someone. In any case she believed he would be a good passenger and he had deffinately given a generous gift. Her mind then wandered to the fair man who always seemed to be smiling. For some reason she had always found the fair shore-bound intriguing.

Standing Zhaneel straightened her long silky hair and headed for the door.

Once on deck she noticed that all the crewmen were busy about their chores and that Nerissa was still keeping a lookout for any other prospective passengers. Cabroci was standing off to one side smiling to himself. She caught his eye and he motioned for her to come over. Smiling back Zhaneel swayed in the Athan an Miere fashion to his side.

"I do hope that you will enjoy your stay on Twilight Moon." Zhaneel had noticed that Cabroci had been glancing nochalantly at the tall dark man near the stern of the boat. "I do not wish to pry, but do you somehow know this man?" She gestured to him with one hand and was surprised at Cabroci's fleeting confused look.

Just wasting time

RE: gettin into hot waters......
Cabroci faked a bit of confusing as she asked about the man he had followed around the world. "If I know him? No...I don't. He seems a secretive and dangerous man. If I were to make guesses about him, I'd say he doesn't really care about humans, just about causes. But then again, who am I?" Cabroci laughed, and saw the Sailmistress smile. "That is one question I can answer. I am Cabroci Ramzael, adventurer and rogue, at your service." He flourished a bow. "Now I've travelled a long time, and been in lots of countries, but never have I found such a beauty as you. Can you give me a name to put to such beauty?" The Sailmistress smiled slightly. "The name is Zhaneel, Cabroci Ramzael. I am Sailmistress of the Twilight Moon, and every man and woman on this ship is my responsibility. I trust you will contain your rogue capacities on this ship, so that you and I don't have to be on the different side of the bow. I would regret that." Cabroci smiled at her, and said: "Well, how could I refuse such a plead? But seriously, I'm only here for passage. I will not trouble you, your ship or his crewmembers."

He smiled out to the sea, and she looked with him. Suddenly she asked. "Why do you honor our custom by calling ships he? I know that this is not the custom among the shorebound." Cabroci grinned. "Cause I know something of the Sea folk. I grew up there." He pointed to Falme. "Lots of contact with the Sea Folk. However secretive you may be. And so I honor your customs. It doesn't hurt me, and it makes you feel better." Cabroci's smile said that that was the most important thing in the world.
*looks around for el*
'Honor to serve'
Brother to Cabroci Ramzael
When the piper plays his tune, it's just you, your sword, and courage.

The nets become clear...
Nerissa still watched the pier for any stragglers who might ask for passage as the Sailmistress and the tall fair man walked the decks. She could almost see the tensions drawing in around her...she noticed every detail from a corner of one eye -- she'd become very good at kept her amused. Her father had been a Cargomaster -- he had taught her observation as part of self defense and survival in her youth, but she had employed it largely as a form of diversion and for predicting troubles ahead -- the coming of storms of the social or astrological kind. There were troubles ahead...this she could see...but what?
She glanced at the two men fleetingly and hoped that they wouldn't notice it...two men on a ship with several women of rank in its crew -- that in itself asked for trouble, but she was sure it would not be the greatest source of strife in this voyage. Nerissa brushed her dark hair out of her face, pulling it back behind her ears casually but in the most dignified way she knew how, and continued to watch all sides of her...every soul upon the pier and on the decks. She waited for something to happen, what, she hardly knew.

Nerissa din'Canace
Crewman on the Twilight Moon

Edited by: Nerissa din Canace at: 10/8/01 10:18:23 pm

Composing herself.....slightly...
Zhaneel smiled at the peaceful waves rocking against the side of the ship. The cool breeze tugged gently at her hair playing it gently across her face. As she leaned forward onto the rail of the ship her mind wandered to Jio and Sidana. She wondered how long they would take on their trading. Sometimes barganing took days, and other times less than half a day. She hoped they wouldn't be too much longer, she longed for the ocean waves and the ocean air. Resting her chin in her hand she glanced out of the corner of her eye at Cabroci and just beyond him she could see Marcus. The two seemed to have an odd relationship. It was as if Cabroci was very aware of Marcus but Marcus was just keeping an eye on Cabroci, as if he was suspicious of him.

Shrugging the thought out of her mind Zhaneel stood and brushed imaginary crinkles out of her silk and cleared her throat. Just then she noticed Nerissa looking at her and Cabroci. "We'll continue this later." She said smiling at Cabroci. She winked and smiled showing off her dimples as she swayed over to Nerissa.

"I suppose we ought to look into some of those damages you have found." She could feel Cabroci's eyes on her back as she walked away with Nerissa. She supposed she had perhaps been a little rude. She decided she would have to make it up to him later. It would never do to have a rogue on the ship whom she was not compatable with. Turning her thoughts back to Nerissa she stepped lightly towards the ladder to the docks.

Sailmistress to Twilight Moon

Speak of Shoes, Ships, Sealing Wax
(OOC: yeah, I know it's a dumb title...the post isn't much better...I'm not so inspired today *pouts*)
Nerissa gladly showed Zahneel the damage -- the worst being a warping board near the water line which they would have to replace before they left port. Nerissa noted that Jio and Sidana were still nowhere in sight and that if the repairs were begun immediately, they should be done without delaying departure by much if at all. She wondered a little to herself as she did this...she tried not to look troubled, but the look on her face betrayed her.
"Is something wrong?" asked Zahneel. "It cannot be the ship can it? We've already gone over the damages and estimated the time and expense of repairing him." Zahneel seemed faintly aware of what it might be herself.
Nerissa spoke. "I feel as though there's a storm coming at us...just something about those two men..." She tried to dismiss the thought from her mind, but it wouldn't leave...not quite, though telling Zahneel had lessened the strain these sensations put on her. Nerissa tied a lock of her hair around the rest of it, makeshiftly fastening it back, and wondered if she sounded a fool for having just said that. The men were both amiable from what she'd seen, no matter how strangely they behaved. She wasn't sure anymore if it was only her own perception dulled by her time ashore in the islands or if she was really seeing something brewing -- it had been two years since she had last had a chance to observe the shorebound of the mainlands closely.

Nerissa din'Canace
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
(sorry so short and so pointless...hope I haven't taken liberties with your char!)

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Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai
