Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai


Sleep you shall...
Jio reached over, and without a word, put the back of his hand to the side of Sidana's face. Taking it away, he turned, and retrieved the peices for the splint he had brought to him. She had slept uneasily for about an hour... but afterwards, she seemed more relaxed. Reviving her almost seemed a must, to have her awake... He shook his head. Sleep was too close to death... He shook his head again as he wrapped her ankle. "We can't stay here."

Sidana nodded

"We'll be leaving the eye of this beast soon enough. Akasi has been ordered to her cabin. We're sailing as close to the center of the eye as we can manage. You two need your sleep." He tied of the last knot. "I am aware of the problem with the deck. I have the crew working storm lines about the ship, but not the quarter deck... i'm doing that myself. I've ordered cargo nets brought up. You'll not be going over the side again... I'll also be right there beside you, watching you. If you do end up going over, i'll be right there with you.* He scoffed. "i don't intend to take a bath today, either. Wastes too much time on a day like this." He stood. And started for the door. "Sleep. You'll be needing it..." he stopped, almost letting the word love slip from his lips. Shaking his head again, he made for the door, but was stopped by her voice.

Alrighty... I don't mind if other things happen on this thread... but Jio isn't leavin the cabin till Sidana replies here on the board. In the meantime, there's plenty to be done on deck, i believe.

Wind, Waves, and Music

Nerissa grinned at Balin as he played, making her motions as she worked like a dance. She coaxed a lounging deckhand into joining in laying the lines on deck. She found herself short of giggling like an unseasoned girl (which she was in many ways) as it wore on. Each tune was followed by cheers for more and each dance was work being done...strange as the idea seemed.

She cast her eye about, noticing that Jio had not yet come out of Sidana's cabin and on deck again. She shrugged a little and noted that Akasi had gone off too, to sleep no doubt...she had exhausted herself in the storm and needed the rest -- she deserved it.

Nerissa smiled perhaps a bit wearily herself, but continued to work, arms aching mildly though the rush that activity had created. She felt alive though and didn't even notice the salt spray stinging the cut on her forehead.

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

The Eye ;)

The storm struck the ship quickly and Marcus, who was still in his room considering how he should handle the situation on the ship decided it was best to wait it out. Even sitting down and bracing himself he could feel the ship rocking violently. It seemed to carry on for a long time, and then with a last lurch the ship halted its violent shuddering. After the howling of the storm, the sudden peace was eerie. Deciding that he should go and see how the ship had held up, exspecially since they had made repairs such a short time before. When he got to the deck he could see the storm all around them. The water here was choppy, but nothing compared to what it had been. Tapping a crew member on the shoulder he said, "What is going on." The man was carring up what looked to be nets. Without pausing he said, "We are in the Eye of the Storm. Soon we will hit it again. You should stay below." With that he passed Marcus and kept going. Marcus heard Balin playing somewhere on the ship, and he saw Nerissa working with some ropes. Shrugging he wandered over to her, more or less staring off at the not so distant storm. That is he was staring at it until he got to with in a few feet of her. Then it finally dawned on him that she was not wearing a shirt. He had heard rumors of this, but had given it little credit when he got on the ship and found them all dressed.

She noticed his approach and turned to face him. He stopped and smiled slightly, keeping his eyes on her face even though he could still see her nicely formed body. "So Nerissa, what are you doing?" He looked past her again to where the rain and wind seemed to fight in the distance and then looked back to see what she would say.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

Well, you should read my other post first *g*

OOC: that's okay, I'll start over here with a later post...this post should be better anyway.

IC: Sidana woke to find Jio splinting her ankle. She dimly remembered having a conversation with him earlier, something about rope, and her blasted temper...what had he said?? No matter, she couldn't seem to remember much, but she didn't have a concussion. If she had, then Saidar would not be so tantalizingly close. It gave her a sense of comfort, that nearness.

Jio spoke a few words to her, and turned to go. She was going to let him, he was being nice to her because she was hurt - the thought made her angry - how dare he patronize her, she was not made of silk!! (OOC: ironic that Sidana means 'silk' huh? *wink*) So just as he reached the door, she called his name. She could not keep the urgency from her voice, and she winced as she saw that he niticed. Light, she did not have the strength for a confrontation! Especially with someone who despised her, and who she was mortally afraid she was falling in love with!!

"Jio, have you had someone see to your own injuries? Or are you more interested in maing me feel like a fool for getting blown overboard? You'd think I could control a bit of wind, wouldn't you?" She sounded bitter and very much afraid. His face was unreadable. She had always been able to tell his emotions from his face, that's how she knew he hated her. But now...he was keeping something from her, and she intended to find out what. Too bad the weak and small act wouldn't work on him...he knew her too well for that one!

"Jio," she tried again, "I need to be on deck. If the storm shifts direction, the man on the tiller will not be able to anticipate the move without a Windfinder present. We could be back into the storm before we're ready. Help me up, and I will take my post."

He must have teleported to her side, he was there so fast. Oh, no you don't - you haven't even had an hour's rest, if I have to stay right her and see that you get it, that is what I'll do." His hand on her shoulder was quite enough, tired as she was, to keep her motionless on her bunk. So he was threatening to stay, was he? Okay, she knew EXACTLY how to play this one...

"Not a chance, shore-boy. I don't care what you think about me personally, you will NOT hold me hostage in the cabin while there is work to do and the ship is in danger, I'll be fine." She started to sit up, but he stopped her, just as she expected...

I bet he's staying a bit longer *eg*

Re: Well, you should read my other post first *g*

Jio placed a hand on Sidana's shoulder. "I said rest woman." The look in his face held no space for question. She was injured, and he was simply stronger. If she took hold of the source, she'd be forced to throw him through a wall... somehow he didn't see that happening. Watching her carefully, he spoke. "Zhaneel will keep the ship in the eye. Its her job remember? Meanwhile, it's my job to see to the safety of my crew, and you're a member of this ship, making you part of this crew. Whats more, you would not be safe on deck with your ankel as it is. Since i have to hang cargo nets, i can't be seeing to your safety. i will not have anyone on my deck with crutches, with the waves as they are." Looking at her, the look in his eyes subsiding. "Are you alright? I damn near fell to the deck when i saw you staggering."


Re: The Eye ;)

Nerissa had been laying some extra coils of rope as Jio had directed when Marcus came. She smiled at him as he fixed his eyes intently on her face and asked her what she was doing.

"I am laying some extra coils of rope on deck...the storm is not over and Windfinder Sidana fell overboard earlier and we had no rope to throw to her..." She pointed to her hopelessly maimed sash and became more concious of the torn strip of sash in her hair. She had to restrain embarassment...she knew she looked like death warmed over.

As casually as she knew how, she ran her hand up over her head wound and noted that it was already healing a would still look horrible but it no longer felt that way and would leave no disfiguring scars after a while. She explained to Marcus that many had been injured in the violent storm and that she had hit her head on the railing. She then shrugged and continued her work. He could talk with her if he wished and she would talk with him, but there was work to be done before they left the eye...she intended to have as much of it as she could do done.

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

I'm back, this time for real!! I promise!!

OOC: I've done my reading and I've caught up on what's goin on so I'll do my bestest to get it together ok here we go.....

IC: Zhaneel slumped against the rails of her raker as she took a shuddering breath. The glorious eye of the storm teased her with the peace of the sea. Her side hurt from a broken beam jabbing into it and she ignored the ebbing pain in her bleeding shoulder. The warm rays of sunshine beat down on her as if proving she had been beaten. Tears began to flow down her cheeks as it sunk it that the storm had only begun. Looking around her she took note of the damage that had been done. Crewmen forced themselves to continue working and navigators watched the sky fretfully. Zhaneel felt a burst of rage at having felt such self pity. Wiping her long black hair from her face she composed herself and tried not to limp as she circled the deck to find all who had been injured.

Some time later she found that surprisingly and thank the light no one had been killed or lost in the storm and she counted her blessings that only 5 had needed to be bedded for their injuries. Glancing at the sky she noted that the clouds were moving in a constant direction for some time north and she assumed she could take a moment to check on those below deck.

Zhaneel first checked on the passengers as it was her duty to see them safely to their destination. Marcus had spent the entire duration of the storm inside his appartments and was generally unharmed. Cabrocci had done mainly the same keeping the the lower decks. Zhaneel had found Akasi asleep from exhaustion and felt a pang of guilt at not having helped somehow. She had noticed strange strands of spiderweb-like filaments in the sky and had wondered in the back of her mind if these could have been of some use to the Windfinders. Jio's appartments had been empty and Balin's had been as well although she had remembered hearing his spirit-lifting music above deck before she had come down. Sidana's door was slightly opened and she could hear from within both Sidana's and the Cargomaster's voice crooning over some senseless argument. Smiling to herself she headed above deck once more to check on the storm.

Suprisingly, once on deck she found Nerissa willing herself to keep working. The poor lass was wind blown, soaked to the bone and seemed to be covered in blood from head to toe. Stepping close to her she laid a hand gently on her shoulder.

"Nerissa, you have done just as much if not more than any of the other deckhands and all those as injured as you are now in their bunks below deck, as you should be." Nerissa seemed puzzled but finally let out a relieved sigh and set down her ropes to go rest while they drifted in the limbo of the storm. Zhaneel felt a wave of tiredness drift over her and she realized that she too needed rest. As Sailmistress hers would have to wait. She set to pacing the decks and checking the damages and what would need to be fixed before they could face the rest of the storm keeping a constant eye on the direction of the storm. She only wished she could let everyone sleep and do all the work herself for they would need more energy than they had in the first half for it had only been a beginning.

"Procrastination: hard work pays off in the long run but laziness pays off now.".....yeah, I g2 stop following that one....

Love that quote San ;)

Leaning back against the railing, still playing his flute, his head was finally starting to pound, and the rocking of the ship just made him want to drift off to sleep. Lowering the instrument after he finished his song, he could not stave off a jaw-cracking yawn as it surfaced. He had been watching Nerissa dance while she worked for some time; it had kept his thoughts away from the storm just over his shoulder and helped him to stay more focused on the music. The woman with the commanding air about her was speaking to Nerissa and eventually the deckhand lay down the ropes she had been holding with a sigh. He wondered about the other woman, he had seen glimpes of her occasionally during the storm, but he did not know what role she performed... If it were not for the Windfinder, Balin would have named the stranger as the captain of the ship.

He realized he was almost staring blankly at her while his thoughts wandered, and he shook himself, blinking tiredly and frowning. Successfully cutting off a yawn this time he raised the flute once more and started to play a light, jaunty sounding tune, though he did not feel it.

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman
IRL Lindsay

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

like a wink and a smile

Nerissa had resisted at first but gave in...she wouldn't go against Zahneel, the Sailmistress. She smiled and peeked over her shoulder at Marcus as she walked away...not glancing long enough to see if he saw her smile or not. She heard a note of flute music begining to ring in the air and glanced over her shoulder to wink at Balin...also not looking long enough to see if he noticed...

She glided down to her bed, almost if some sort of magnetism drew her there. She smiled as she slept...content in that everything was clam and well for now, she was at sea, and her fears were not ripping her to shreads for the moment. She quickly fell into a deep sleep, laughing softly as she drifted out of conciousness. She dismissed the fact that she would need to be ready upon waking for anything...for now, she simply needed the rest.

OOC: *grins* heya Zhan ! *hugs*
hmm...if Marcus can't learn persistance Neri might have to start hitting on Balin! *giggles* *winks*

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

like a wink and a sour note

Starting up the next song, he looked back to Nerissa who was just turning to Marcus and smiling. Suddenly she turned to him and winked, and he fumbled a note in surprise. Flushing slightly, not at the wink but at the fact that she had managed to throw him off so since the first time they met, he stopped the song under the pretense that he needed to cough. Indeed he did need to cough, but it was to hold back a laugh now. Clearing his throat and shaking his head with a grin, he started back up from where he left off, his eyes twinkling with amusement again.

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman
omg, getting thrown off by a CHICK balin? lol
IRL Lindsay

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

*scowls darkly*

"YOU nearly fell to the deck??? Because of ME??? No, you nearly fell because that bump on your head has made you dizzy. AND wooden-headed. You know as well as anyone that I do not need my ankle to channel, I could do it from here if I could see. All I need is a place to sit or lean against the railing where I can see the storm well enough to get us through it - I do NOT need you to babysit..."

Jio cut her off, raising his voice in anger, or exasperation. "Light, woman, what are you talking about? You WERE leaning against the railing when the wind picked you up like a child. You think that won't happen again?? Well, I will tell you this - it WON'T happen again, because first, you will be well rested, and second, I WILL be right there beside you the entire time. If I have to hold you up with my hands I will do it."

Sidana had to make him shut up, she needed to think. Which was difficult enough while her entire body felt as though it had been pulled to pieces and then glued back together. Lying helpless on her back while the man she was desperately afraid she had fallen in love with was looking angrily into her eyeswas simply impossible. Her mind felt all muddled - a very unusual circumstance for Sidana. Helpless...well, not quite. She had to make him stop talking...with a weave of Air, she filled his mouth until he could no longer make a sound. His eyes got wider and wider...

"I know I have been...not so nice to you since you arrived. I'm sorry if I have made you hate me. I wish..." she could not finish the thought. Sighing, she released the gag of air and closed her eyes - feigning tiredness, but in truth trying to hide the tears.


"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

Edited by: Rhysel at: 10/30/01 1:15:03 pm


Marcus spoke to Nerissa for several more minutes before she was told to go to sleep. She hestitated for a moment and then set down her rope and began to walk away, when she did she turned her heard quickly and gave him a smile before heading off. He watched her for a moment and saw her look at the gleeman. He paused and watched her before going on. Marcus waited a minute, glancing over the side of the ship to see the tossing storm to either side before he turned and headed down the stairs. He nodded to the gleeman and went below deck. He had seen which room she had gone into before and without really thinking he found himself drifting to stand in front of her door. It was open a crack and moved slightly as the boat moved through the choppy waters. Looking around and seeing no one he opened the door and entered.

The room was dark, and he closed the door behind him. He had seen her still form on the bed and he moved towards her. The ship rocked beneath him, but he was able to keep his balance. Sitting down besides her resting form he allowed his eyes to get used to the dark and watched her. She turned in her sleep and curled around him, her head laying on one of his legs. Reaching down he caressed a cheek and waited to see if she was truly asleep or if she would waken.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light


Her mother had been what the Aiel would have called a Dreamwalker or the Aes Sedai might have called a dreamer, but Nerissa knew nothing of it...if she was such, this had yet to manifest itself. She stirred in her sleep and felt warmth...she smiled a little as she did. In sleep, her injuries were forgotten and she learned to use saidar (though her ideas of how it was done would have put her in for a few surprises in reality...namely she would have created a storm cloud in attempt to draw wind to the sails, nearly linking an innocent seagull while attempting to heal it, and boring a hole in the pattern {think of women who try to Travel like men...} in attempt to get the ship through a storm -- it was a good thing she did not know how to channel and weave flows yet or else she might have tried it). She smiled brightly in life and in the dream, letting the rocking of the waves which the ship danced upon lull her.

OOC: *grins* hmm...Sidana doesn't know an old Italian tradition there are two ways to shut up and Italian --
1) to tie their hands behind their back (this works on Italians only)
2) to kiss them (this one works even on non-Italians)

just take a guess which one I mean

Marcus...can't wake her just yet but she'll wake up I promise (I figure she needs a little sleep for now...the plot thickens)

IRL Bekah...resident Italian woman (who has also been to Italy and seen this demonstrated repeatedly) with talking hands (which sometimes become anubis hand puppets under the influence of Ray) and a big mouth

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Edited by: Nerissa din Canace at: 10/30/01 12:50:02 pm

meeting Balin....

OOC: sorry to keep jumpin around the ship here but I just can't pass up the opportunity to meet a gleeman

IC:Zhaneel turned to find the source of the lulling music which danced through the warm air. A young man was sitting on the rail of the ship staring at the stairs to the cabins longingly. Zhaneel tucked this point away for later examination and persisted to walk towards the pleasant man. Smiling she held out her hand as she had often seen land folk do to introduce themselves.

"I am Zhaneel, Sailmistress of the Twilight Moon." Setting down his flute the man took her hand and kissed the back gently flourishing a strangely decorated cloak with the other hand.

"I am Balin and I am a gleeman's apprentice." He seemed to have a giddy gleam in his eye which showed his good-natured personality. His smile seemed to dance.

"I appologize for not having attended the bargain for the gift of passage." The man simply whisked off the suggestion of appology with his hand and the two became engrossed in conversation of some far tale of adventure which he had had some long day ago. Zhaneel forgot to even quetion the truth of the tale for she was so enraptured that she could only sit next to him on the rail and make small comments of intrigue. She had to force herself to turn away from the story every once in a while to check the direction of the storm.

Sailmistress to the Twilight Moon

"Ineptitude, If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doin it poorly."

ooc: if you don't like something in this post balin just tell me and voila it can be change hehehe

A Sudden Toss

The ship rocked in the waters as she slept with her body tightly held to him. Bending more at the waist he looked at her. Her arms had snaked around him and she held him tightly as she slept. She seemed happy in whatever dream she was having. Her hair had come out of the torn sash that had held it up and he could dimmly make out the ragged ends that now replaced what one was considerably longer locks. He knew that he had to wake her or try to get out soon. If they came to get her and found him sitting on her bed while she slept wrapped around him that things could become considerably more annoying then they already were. He was not sure if they would make him swim to shore in this storm and he did not particularly want to find out. He was still deciding on what to do when the ship hit a rougher area in the swirling sea and he found them both sliding towards to the opposite side of the bed from where he sat. Nerissa was wrapped around him and if she went over the bed so would he so he grabbed her to keep her there. When the boat twisted to the other side he was more ready and he was able to brace himself even wrapped around Nerissa. He wondered if they had hit the storm again, but after a smaller dip the ship went back to the lesser rockings and he heaved a sigh, looking down though he could see Nerissa's face only an inch away from him, her eyes open and looking up at him.

Blinking he said, "Hello, I wanted to see how you were doing. You seemed.....a little out of it up there." He stayed where he was, close to her and with his arms wrapped tightly around her and waited for her reply.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

From Dreams Into Reality...

Nerissa had been lost deep in her dreams...strange dreams and some more realistic. She had dreamed that Jio was her lost brother and she had embraced him as such, that Jio and Sidana married, that Akasi and she came to have their own ship and she was a Sailmistress while Akasi was her Windfinder...and for some reason Balin was the Cargomaster (OOC: hmm...what does Balin think of this one Lindsay *giggles*), she dreamed that Marcus asked to dance with her to the music of Balin's flute while she was working on deck and she took him up on the offer...

...then she felt herself lurching nearer to awareness. Only half aware she looked through her eyes narrowed with sleep still fogging them -- she saw Marcus. "You dance well" she said, only half aware of what he had just said to her...he had said something, she was sure. She smiled, stifling a yawn and for a moment didn't realize that she was truly awake now and on her bed with Marcus tangled up in her arms...

When she realized the situation she still remained confused. How had he come to be on her bed? She looked at him a little puzzeled but ready to shrug it all off...she saw no reason to be angry at him. "I'm sorry...what was that you said?" she asked, smiling at him and noticing that her hair had come undone. She felt very near to laughter in spite of being tired and achy and in what could turn out to be a very strange situation.

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: *scowls darkly*

Jio nodded... And turned. Facing the wall he spoke. "I'll not only hold you up, on that deck, but i'll hold your heart. I'll be as your strength, if you but need me, and i will be as anything you require, if you but ask. Only if you ask. I've felt something since the day you tossed me over the side... I'm not sure what it is. I don't dare put love as the title of it yet... but at the same time, this is so good, it might as well be love."

He turned to face her... tears obvious on his face.


Close Encounters

Marcus went still when she muttered something about him dancing. He was not sure what it was. Then it seemed to dawn on her where they were and how close they were. She looked at him a moment and then seemed to smile slightly, but she did not seem to be pushing him away or trying to break his own embrace so he continued to hold her close. This close he could smell the slight dampness in her hair. It reminded him of the forests after a rain and he smiled back at her enjoying the feel of her close.

"I'm sorry...what was that you said?" she asked, smiling at him. He paused for a moment and then said, "I said that I was worried about you. You seemed a little out of it, and I was worried." He wondered if he should move away, but she seemed okay with how close they were so he stayed where he was.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

Re: meeting Balin....

OOC: *grins* oh no, I like! but two things, number a: Balin is still in the process of construcing his patched cloak, he just has his plain ole green coat on for now...but anyways, he's shirtless right now and letter two: *laughing histerically* he's not exactly mooning over nerissa, just intruiged. (just to clear up any future odd behavior from the two ) well, and he's a hopeless flirt sometimes, but I can see the two becoming good friends easily. ^_^

IC: Still in the middle of the song he had already stopped once, the woman with the commanding air walked up to him and he stopped once more. She held out her hand, as if for him to shake it. "I am Zhaneel, Sailmistress of the Twilight Moon." Setting his flute aside, Balin took her hand gingerly and kissed the back of it on the knuckles, flourishing a bow that needed no patch covered cloak to make it better.

"I am Balin T'shai, and a gleeman's apprentice, it is an absolute pleasure Sailmistress."

"I appologize for not having attended the bargain for the gift of passage." She looked genuinely disappointed that she had missed it. Laughing, he made a tossing away gesture as if to say "no need to apologize". She walked over and sat on the railing, and he took up his place again next to his flute. Smiling with eyes alight, he started to talk... "I heard we are eventually sailing all the way to Caemlyn. That's where I'm from, such a beautiful city..." he went on to describe the inns and palaces and gardens, waving his arms with expression as he talked, not realizing that he had her almost under a spell with his descriptions. "Have you ever seen a Queen? I saw Morgase once, the Light preserve and shelter her, and I think shall never forget her face... She could easily be described as a rose, though it wouldn't do her justice, and those eyes sharper than any dagger or rose thorn that I've been on the wrong side of-" and he went on talking, painting the queen in all her glory and majesty, making her way through the shining builings at the head of a Royal procession, the Daughter Heir in tow... He went on to talk about the Gaurds and his uncle, The Illuminators and their Night flowers and their mysterious and guarded demeanor.

He noticed her repeatedly looking back at the storm, and eventually his eyes kept wandering in that direction as well. Slowly they both went quiet, and the only sounds on deck was the waves lapping against the hull and the deckhands going about their work before they reentered the storm. Grinning, another yawn suddenly escaped his notice, and he covered his mouth with a fist, apologizing in mid-yawn. The day had been long so far, and it was not yet over.

Raising a brow, he suddenly remembered to ask something. "Where does the SailMistress stand as oppposed to the Windfinder? I'm a little confused with your ranks..."

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman
IRL Lindsay
mind taking a walk

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

Re: Close Encounters

Nerissa blushed a little but doubted Marcus could notice...she was dark of complection enough that it would be hard to tell -- even this close. She didn't know what to say he was concerned about me?

She fumbled for words "I was tired I think...I hit my head also...and I just felt like death warmed over...but I knew I had to work still -- the storm is not over" She looked at him, her eyes wide, full of fear the thought of the storm. "Forgive me..." she said letting her voice trail, "the last time I was in a storm like that..." she choked back tears and tried to supress the thought.

Memories of her father flooded back to her and she wanted to break down sobbing...not even thinking of how she looked right then. She had blocked out the fear and he had seen it...through her stoicism towards the fear and the pain the storm brought upon her. As strange as it seemed, she lay her head against him and let the tears come.

"I was afraid back there...and I hurt...not just because of my head or having to cut my hair off...just..." she stopped and sniffed for a moment, wishing she could hold it all in, but loving the release, " father died in the last storm like that I went through...that is why I am father died in a mother...they took her away on a leash...those Seanchan they call themselves..." it all became lost in sobs. She felt weak and was embarassed at feeling the need to tell him, but she couldn't stop herself.

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan


Marcus listened as she tolded him about her past. His right hand moved to run through her hair and pulled her tighter against him. Holding her close he whispered into her ear, "You are not alone Nerissa, not now and not ever. It is hard, but I am here for you, and somewhere they are there too. They would be proud now, proud that you cared so much for the ship, that you honored them so well."

Falling silent he ran his left hand lightly along her back and held her quietly as she cried into his shirt, letting so much that had been bottled up out.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

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Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai
