Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai


Storm on the Horizon...
Nerissa played with her hair, braiding it like she had once seen girls in Tanchico do and then unbraiding it. She wasn't sure whether or not Balin had understood her her mind, she knew that hate was not so far from love. Hate was merely love turned sour and twisted...blighted love. Hate was what she felt for sul'dams...she might have pitied them, had they not taken her mother. She pushed the memories out of her head and thought of the task at hand...

Once more they would go out on the spar andthen they would find some other place more daring to balance...

She wondered to herself how long it would take Balin to break his neck and shuddered at the thought. Or perhaps it was the breeze which made her shudder...a storm on the horizon that she thought might be heading towards them...

Nerissa din'Canace

Re: Storm on the Horizon...

About to step back up on the spar, Balin stopped suddenly with a small shiver. He found his eyes fixing on the clouds once more, and for once they were not filled with amusement. Frowning, he thought to himself that they seemed closer, more menacing than before, but still breath-taking. Turning slightly, he gave Nerissa a handsome half-hearted smile, then stepped up once more.

The third time was definately a charm; he stepped out, all concentration, and managed to walk a few steps, his wet pants flapping around his ankles in the breeze that seemed to be turning colder by the minute. Getting a little daring - the odd feeling of something other than laughter and amusement quickly running it's course in one ear and out the other - he turned around facing Nerissa and slowly started to walk back. Unable to see when the ship was hitting the next wave though, he was caught off gaurd after only one step and flopped into the nets, all laughter and smiles once more.

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman
trouble's a brewin' on the horizon *EG*

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

Re: Storm on the Horizon...

OOC: okay, Jio, let's work in that direction, but meanwhile we can have a bit of a storm...I'm jumping ahead and placing myself back down on the main deck for this one. (P.S. I almost didn't remember that the AM don't know linking at this point in time...oops!)

IC: "...and when you finish that, double check the ties on..." Sidana trailed off suddenly, the deckhand receiving orders from her stood expectantly, waiting for her to finish. Ignoring him, she turned to the left, grabbing at Saidar and losing it in her haste. Calming, she opened herself once more, this time letting the power flow gently through her. With Air and Water, she cast out at the clouds that darkened the horizon. Abruptly she knew what had intruded on her consciousness. A storm, and a big one. She gasped at its scope and size...

"ALL HANDS!!!" she bellowed. "HURRICANE OFF TO PORT, HEADING THIS WAY FAST!! SECURE THE RIGGING, FURL THOSE SAILS...MOVE, I SAID!" The crew rushed to obey, orders being shouted down the line. They trusted the Windfinder to alert them, even though all that could be seen were dark clouds, still a good distance away, and all that could be felt was a breeze that was entirely too cold for this climate. The wind started to pick up a little...just a little, so far...

Zhaneel had made her way to the deck already, and was overseeing the preparations on the crew's was time for Sidana to see what little dent she could make in the strength of this storm. Light, it was huge!! The wind, for it could no longer be called a breeze, was whipping her hair around, jingling the medallions against her cheek.

Grabbing Akasi as she rushed by, Sidana told her to concentrate on the waves, keeping them as controlled as possible so that the ship would stay upright. He was already beginning to toss about, even in spite of his great size. The Windfinder herself sent her flows directly at the storm, doing what she could to fend off the destructive winds. It was like a kitten trying to control a wild horse. (Sidana had this idea that all horses were dangerous and untameable, and a wild one that much more so *g*)

Sidana din Lorin
Windtamer (well, trying to, anyway)
Sorry this was so long...

Jio bloody well fell out of his hammock...

and it seemed he had dozed off. Looking at the sky, his first response was more or less a curse. As soon as he gained his footing, he made for the quarter deck.


"Can we go around it?" He shouted over the storm and the peircing rain.

The look he recieved wasn't a good one...

keepin her short

Re: Jio bloody well fell out of his hammock...

The storm had come up faster than Balin could have thought possible, COLD air whipping around the ship and crew. People scattered everywhere, busily furling the sails, furiously carrying out orders... He barely heard Jio over the wind: "Can we go around it!?" but he didn't need to see the sour looks from the women to know that it was too late... Mountains of water swelled around the boat already - he found himself distantly wondering just what was keeping them upright - and the gale suddenly opened up with huge drops of water that slapped down painfully on the people. Lightening stabbed down into the sea and across the sky all around them, lighting up the greenish skies eerily. He watched for a moment, dumbfounded, then turned sharply and ran for Jio, yelling over the wind: "What do you want me to do!?" The ship bucked suddenly and he fell head over heels, sliding over the slick wood and smacking into the cabin. It was all he could do to scrabble back to his feet dizzily.

Balin T'Shai
apprentice gleeman
eh, better sit this one out buddy *g*

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

The Heart of Fear...

Nerissa had noticed the storm on the horizon coming nearer as she had balanced on the spar with Balin. She hadn't fallen until she heard the first sounds of gusting winds and thunder and fear struck at her heart. The last time she had encountered such a storm, her father had died. Her face became stone and her eyes widened as she tended to furling the sails and lashing things down. She was pannicked, but she didn't want to let it show. She noticed the green skies out of the corner of her eye and begged the Creator for protection under her breath.

She feigned a laugh as Balin slammed into the cabin while she was looking up from her work. She hoped, somewhat distantly, as though this were all a dream or a mist that would be gone when she looked next, that he was not hurt. He amused her and she liked his music...she would also be out a partner in weapons training.

She noticed Akasi and Sidana and knew that they had to be channeling even though she could not see or sense it yet...she could see it by looking at them and noting their behavior. She wished that she could do as much...perhaps slacken the winds or help them hold the raker upright. She shook her head and took another order, running and acting without thinking, simply doing as she was commanded, not letting her fear rule her, but instead pushing it to a small corner of her mind and ignoring it.

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: The Heart of Fear...

Balin has never seen a storm at sea before, Jio was washed away as a child during a storm, Akasi and Nerissa had both lost family due to storms like this one...Light knows whether Zhaneel has had a similar experience, but Sidana thought that it was very likely that she was the only one aboard who had passed through hurricanes unscathed. She prayed that she did not lose anyone she cared for now. The Twilight Moon was a new ship, the best she had ever seen or heard of, but its crew was new to each other, and had not worked together very long, and there were undercurrents all over the ship. Could they come together enough to save all their lives?

Sidana spared a smile for Akasi. She was clearly holding all of Saidar she could muster, and Sidana was skirting very close to the point where she could burn herself out if she was not careful. No time for that now, there were lives at stake. And if they were ever to become a cohesive crew, which was Sidana's personal dream, they would have to survive this first.

OOC: Okay, so it's a little sappy, but I wanted to bring a few things out for the future of this RP group...*s*


"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

Re: The Heart of Fear...

Jio half lept and half fell down the stairs from the quarter deck to where Balin was shaking his head. Handing him his sword, Jio yelled out over the rain. "Take this below, and stay down there with it!" Seeing only a dim light of comprehension in the man's eyes, Jio wrapped an arm around him, and half dragged him, the both of them looking like drunks being rolled down the street, propped open the grate to the cargo area, and guided Balin into it. Looking up, he felt the ship catch another wave as it started to climb. Nearly 45 degrees critical, Jio started to slide backwards down the deck, but grabbed a safetly line errected by the crew. Looking around, and spotting a line that had come free of its mooring, a line that held the main mast secure, Jio ran as much as he could, fell more, but finally grabbed it, and resecured it to the halyard. Looking up the deck to where Sidana and her apprentice stood, he shook his head, trying to clear the noise out of it, and heard a voice from the past. Sounded like his father, that night he had tried to face one of these down the throat. A moment Later a wave caught him in the back, and sent him skidding down the deck into almost the same place Balin hit, knocking him senseless.


Re: The Heart of Fear...

As Balin finally made it to his feet, there was a dull ringing in his ears, and he didn't know if it was because he had hit his head so hard or because of the rapidly changing pressure from the storm. Jio half lept and half fell down the stairs from the quarter deck to where Balin was shaking his head. Handing him his sword, Jio yelled out over the rain. The words barely reached him over the ringing and the howl of the storm, and with a set look on his face, Jio half dragged him to the cargo grate a shoved him in.

The ship suddenly turned up at a weird angle and he went sliding again, this time managing to latch on to something. Wiping a trickle of blood away from his eyes, he set about trying not to be dashed against the insides of the ship.

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~


Nerissa noticed that Jio was seemingly unconcious...lying somewhat limply near where Balin had been dashed not so long ago. She noted that Balin was no longer in sight and worried a little. She wondered as well how Marcus was faring below...she had not seen him since they had introduced themselves.

Nerissa ceased to be worried about her own state, though her leg was bleeding and her pants were from having careened into the deck itself in tripping over an injured deckhand (OOC: yes, I'm being mean and planting a random injured person). She had stopped long enough to make sure that they were fine for now. The girl had merely twisted an ankle and Nerissa had helped her out of the way of those working on deck before returning to her tasks. Her hair hung limply and stringily down her back. Wet like this it was a burden. She knew her intentions -- she brought out her knife and cut her thick hair off just below the shoulders. She then ripped part of her sash off and tied it around her head to bind her hair out of her eyes. She knew, in her heart that she was learning everything anew...she was truly learning to live at sea.

OOC: *grins* I'm officially an art major *sighs* go ahead and laugh at me!

IRL Bekah

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: Pains...

Sidana was concentrating on the storm, which had reached its full fury by this time. The nearly-black sky appeared (to her eyes) to have a spiderweb of glowing threads of power through it. As she kept channelling the flows of Air and Water (with a smidgin of Fire and Spirit) the weave spread ever outward. As with most weather workings, once you started, the effects could snowball out of control if you were careless. Sidana was never careless. She felt as if she were trying to grab the storm itself with her bare hands and squeeze it into a less violent shape, while the storm was trying furiously to tear her to pieces.

She couldn't tell if she was making any difference or not but she suspected that the storm would have been even worse without the restraints she was attempting to put on the deadly winds. Those winds buffeted her own small form from every direction, as if angry for her interference. She tightened her grip on the rail and braced one of her bare feet against a crate, but she weighed considerably less than 100 pounds...


She was on the other side of the railing, still hanging on for life, being bashed against the hull with every rocking motion of the ship. She was screaming, not with hysteria, but in pure rage at the rogue wind that had whirled around her and tossed her overboard. She still held Saidar, wonder of wonders, but had lost hold of her weaves. Calming herself, and praying that her grip held, she wove a belt of Air to hold herself against the ship's side so she didn't break all her bones getting dashed against him. She thought she might have a couple of broken ribs already. Her arms felt stretched, and were weakening. Too bad she couldn't just pick herself up with Air, but the Power wouldn't work that way. The only thing to do was to wait for Akasi to reach a point where she could divert attention away from the ship and rescue her. That is, if she didn't just let her fall - Akasi would be the logical replacement if Sidana didn't survive this storm...

Sidana din Lorin
Still trying to channel into the storm, but can't see too well from here...

"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

Edited by: Rhysel at: 10/24/01 5:25:18 pm

What the.......

Cabroci was easily unpacking his stuff in his room, taking the time to make himself at ease, when the boat slowly started rocking harder. He ignored at first, thinking that it was simply the fact that they had gone further out to sea, and that the waves had become a little higher. As he had finally come to the part of cleaning his clothes, well, at least as much as that was possible, the boat was rocking very hard, and his clothes were falling on the floor. Cabroci shook his head, and got up, thinking to himself: 'This is a storm. I gotta go see this.' He left his room, and walked towards the deck, bouncing from side to side as the boat was lifted and dropped by the waves. He threw open the door to the deck, and was blown of his feet by a gust of wind hitting him full in the face. As his vision slowly became clear again, and his senses returned to him, he felt rain hitting his face and saw people crawling over the deck, trying to preserve the ship. He groaned, and then slowly crawled on the deck, mumbling to himself: "This is NOT my lucky day. I feel it."


OOC: Short...just giving a sign of life...

'Honor to serve'
Brother to Cabroci Ramzael

When the piper plays his tune, it's just you, your sword, and courage.

Edited by: Cyriel Ramzael at: 10/24/01 6:44:24 pm

A Crisis...

Nerissa knew the storm had reached its height when it became so fierce it knocked her off her feet and into the railing head first. She tied the torn piece of her sash farther down on her forehead to keep the blood out of her eyes -- now was no time to sit around and bandage it properly. The salt water and sweat from that cloth stung her where she was wounded, but she quickly found reason to ignore it...she saw someone in the water below. It took her a moment to notice that it was Sidana, the Windfinder, herself. That struck her with disbelief then a sort of half panic...she couldn't do anything about this herself...she needed help. She called out, as she went held on for dear life, that the Windfinder had fallen overboard. Sidana seemed to be holding on well -- so well that she had to be channeling it -- but she couldn't hold on forever... her mind the memory surfaced -- she was younger and carrying out the tasks assigned to her by her higher ups. She remembered vividly how she looked up to see her father and the next time she had glanced his way he was gone...they had told her later that he had fallen overboard and drowned. Nerissa remembered her denial of it...but kept that picture of him the last time she had seen him in her mind -- drenched with rain, his sash half flapping in the wind, and one hand on his sword as though he might soon have cause to use it while the other waved franticly in directing deckhands and crewmen. This picture was more vivid than that of her mother...perhaps because his loss was more sudden, unforeseen, and final. Her mother...that struck a pain in her heart, but she ignored it -- they would see none of the strange ships and sul'dam in this tempest...

She looked down at Sidana for a moment, trying to make eye contact, then looked up to Akasi...wondering if the woman knew that she was likely the only one to hold the storm from taking them all now.

OOC: I'M NOW OFFICIALLY AN ART MAJOR *laughs at self but shrugs* ...hey, it's what I love most next to English and Social Sciences and I'm planning on Minoring in Religion or Sociology (English requires that I take too many dry grammar classes *chokes* which is not why I like English...I like the artistry and the social value or social reflection literature gives)

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

The storm rages on

OOC: hey art major, kool *grins widely* AND sociology, you've got some interesting stuff to get you through school ^_^ Yeah, I don't think ANYONE likes English for the "dry grammer" *cough cough, choke* and if they do... *scared look* then the Light save our souls...

It seemed like hours that Balin was down there, he was exhausted from trying not to be bashed about or crushed under all the cargo, though it had only been a minute or two at best. Stumbling one way to avoid falling, the ship twisted violently in the opposite direction and he found himself falling, rolling, sliding- and he was into the wall again, seeing stars... Growling to himself under his breath, he staggered up yet again only to find himself being flung away once more. Teeth gritted, he grabbed ahold of the grate finally, and the scene outside filled his eyes.

It was utter chaos. The wind blew so hard it seemed as if it might peel away the boards on the deck, the rain it hurled with it could have lashed the boat to ribbons. He saw Nerissa running, her hair shorn off at the shoulders with blood here and there on her, streaked with rain and ocean water. People were running, shouting, frantically scrabbling across the deck as huge waves swept over it... and over where he had first hit the wall lay Jio. Calmly, as if he weren't about to walk into the jaws of a hurricane, he lifted up the grate and stepped back up onto the deck.

The first gust of wind nearly took him off his feet, his tall lanky frame catching it at just the right angle. Crouching low, he dodged through the frenzied crewmen, everyone slipping over the wet wood, bumping into each other, yelling orders, yelling for help, or just yelling for the sake of yelling. Reaching Jio, he sank to his knees, grabbing the man by the shoulders. "JIO" the wind seemed to rip the word out of his throat and carry it away, but it seemed the man heard; his eyes fluttered open, his face dazed.

He threw one of Jio's arms across his shoulders and started to stand, swaying unsteadily under the weight as the ship rocked again. He never made it all the way up, water suddenly rushed up to them, throwing them back into the same blasted place on the wall. Then he realized they were sliding; the water was sucking them towards the railing hungrily, the ocean waiting with open jaws just beyond. He reached out for something -anything- and caught ahold of Jio's foot. Jio was clutching one of the ropes with grim determination, the water threatening to sweep them both away.

Feeling like one big bruise, he leapt to his feet clumsily as the wave passed; Jio had started to do the same and he helped, pulling his arm over his shoulder once more. Throwing open the door to the cabin he shoved Jio in first, then followed, letting it slam like a gunshot behind them as the wind tried to reach them one last time. They both collapsed against the wall, panting.

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman
shaken, not stirred

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

Searching Eyes...

Nerissa scanned the decks for someone to help. Sidana might be able to hold on forever, but that would not matter if the ship went down first. Her eyes first caught on the fact that Balin was on deck again with Jio -- who had apparently regained his senses. She didn't know how much help they would be...they were a distance away from her and her calls had already been in vain. The wind took her words and left them not to any mortal ear...

She knew that she could not lower a rope -- all the ropes were being used right now in the interest of the ship -- but something struck her. She pulled aside a deckhand and asked him to rip his sash in half lengthwise. He was shocked but listened when he saw Sidana overboard. Nerissa herself ripped her already ruined sash lengthwise and began to braid a rope. She had her hair no longer, true, but the memory of haivng braided it as the storm had begun had stuck in her mind and surfaced now. She called over a couple more deckhands and asked for part of their sashes as well before letting them run on to the task of keeping the ship in one piece to the best of their abilities. The time they stopped was not time wasted...Nerissa lowered the thin braided rope, full of knots and a myriad of water soaked colors, to Sidana, hoping that she could be brought onboard. She knew that if it had been fair weather, she could have pulled Sidana up without much effort as she was considerably larger than the Windfinder, but as it was a storm, she doubted her ability somewhat. She hardly noticed that the winds were beginning to die down a little...

OOC: yeah, weird as heck, but I thought I'd try it *grins*

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

This is getting really crazy and chaotic!!

Sidana was getting tired, her arms weren't all that strained, but kissing the hull for what seemed like hours (was really only several minutes) was not the most fun way to weather a storm of this magnitude. Cursing the Father of Storms and even inventing new curses to pass the time, she wished frantically for someone to help her. She could not turn enough to see what she was channelling, so she was more or less useless as a Windfinder right now. Akasi was on her own to try to hold off the tempest. Somewhere on deck, she thought she heard a loud creaking and an enormous crash...was it the main mast or just the thunder? Light she had to get back on board, and fast.

She reacted instantly when she saw a makeshift rope being lowered. Loosing the tied-off belt of Saidar meant that she was once more at the mercy of the rocking of the ship, and her tortured muscles began to be buffeted all over again. There, she had hold of the rope with one hand, the other still gripping the gunwale, and she was painstakingly climbing up the side. An enormous wave hit the Twilight Moon, and he leapt up in the air over the crest, sending Sidana crashing into the side. She lost her grip on the rail and on the Power, but still managed to heave herself over the side, with the help of Nerissa and the deckhand.

She waved them off when they wanted to take her below - this was no time for the Windfinder to be incapacitated. She got to her feet, ignoring the pain in her ribs, her left arm and left ankle, and prepared to reach for Saidar again. She felt a moment of fear - losing it that abruptly could spell disaster, but then she forced her fears to calm and opened herself like a flower to the light. Relief flooded her along with the One Power, and she turned, with a tight smile to Akasi, and began anew her battle with the storm. She could sense that they were approaching the eye, which was good - they wouldn't survive much more of this without a respite. They had to get through maybe ten or fifteen more minutes...


"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

A Break in the Fury

They sat for a while, leaning back against the wall, the storm outside howling past the doorway. Balin felt his eyes drooping tiredly -funny, it wasn't a very good time to go to sleep at all- and the only thing keeping him from falling asleep then and there was the constant tossing about of the ship. Slowly, his eyes opened wider... He didn't know if he was imagining this or not, but he thought the wind was dying down a little... He turned, giving Jio a grin and wondering if he'd noticed too, then jumped up.

He knew instantly then that the storm must have been ebbing; he kept his feet under him easily as he made his way to the door. Tentatively, he opened it, peering out. The chaos on board had wound down to deckhands trying to assess the damage for the most part, the rain no longer pounding, merely pattering softly. Stepping out, he looked up at the sky ahead, strangely clear of clouds - and then at the sky beyond that, black towers dropping a wall of water into the sea. Looking up he felt a wide grin form on his face, and he closed his eyes, letting the rain hit it gently.

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~


Nerissa calmed a little as they reached the storm's eye. Things would be clamer now for a little while...long enough to patch herself up and get ready to face the next half of the storm which would doubtlessly be the worst...

She ran her fingers over her forehead as she sat on her bed, wincing as she found where it was bruised and had bled. She carefully washed the dried blood from her face with a soaked piece of her how it stung! She then did the same for her knee and then bound her shortened hair back again. The ebony waves now came to her shoulders...they had been twice as long once, but she had given that up -- the life at sea demanded that she adapt and so she did...and gave up her long locks. She left her bed now and returned to the decks. The rain had slowed and the sky was clear above them...deceptively clear. She scanned the decks, noting the activity and looking for a place to jump into the work. In spite of her throbbing head, she felt full of energy...she knew she would ache later when she stopped to rest, but for now she didn't want her energy to wear thin...she was ready for action of any sort.

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: Metamorphoses

Jio shook his head as he climbed the short steps out of the cargo hold. Slowly coming out on deck, he blinked.... it was so calm... behind them was a wall of darkness... he sighed. Looking around, a million and one things to be done... and they had to go out the other end of this storm.... Make for tremalking for repairs. He yelled out.

"All able hands report to the deck!"

He waited. Soon enough, a rag tag assortment gathered, most with injuries.

"Any loses accounted?"

A man spoke. "No Cargomaster. All crew still on board."

jio nodded. A light in a particularily dark day.

"I need safety lines, on every main means of the deck. Extra ropes to be coiled and ready to throw. I want the masts rescured with ropes, get the craftsman on deck to see if he can find a way to keep that mast reinforced. We need to go out the other end of this beast. For the time being we're sailing in the eye. When we try to break through its wall... everything needs to be perfect." He looked up decks, to see Sidana, slowly making her way down the stars from the quarter deck... she was hurt... Jio turned to the ensamble. "Go about it" With that he turned and ran the length of the deck, still slippery from the rain, to the stairs where Sidana fought to stay upright. Slipping an arm behind her knees and her shoulders, he picked her up and carried her the rest of the way to her cabin...

Seein an opportun-it-tay

Eye of a Storm

Nerissa let her face take on a look of stoicism and distanced herself from the stinging wound on her forehead and the short hair darting around her face to hit her in the nose with the help of a gentle breeze. She went about hauling ropes around the deck in coils carried over both shoulders.

She grinned faintly at the thought of how Jio had just carried Windfinder Sidana and she had to stifle a childish giggle which still wanted to break free. She was nearing on her eighteenth year and knew she should not act like a child.

She lay some coils down for throwing and scampered nimbly around those others on deck. She had a sense of urgency in her...that there was much to do and it should be done efficiently. She went so far as to cast scolding glances at a pair of deckhands going about the tasks leisurely. Her eyes smiled as she turned from them...her fears and worries buried for now though she knew what was ahead. The wheel would weave as it willed...the Coramoor would come someday and they would be bound to the sea no more...she knew she could not stop these, but hoped, for the sake of her stomach, that the Coramoor would not come any time soon.

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

The bustle in the calm...

Jio had assembled the crew in front of him, telling them what he wanted done as he took stock of their condition. The fact that no one had been swept overboard was an absolute-Light-shining-down-from-above MIRACLE. With a final "go about it!" Jio ran over to the struggling Windfinder and whisked her off to her cabin. The crew sprung into action, and found himself jumping out of the way constantly. Grinning, he stepped down to his "room".

His flute had been tossed from where he had left it on the bed down to the floor, though it looked unhurt for the most part. Everything else seemed to be in good order except for the fact that none of it was where he had left it so long ago that morning. Was that really only just this morning? It feels likes it has been days Taking the flute with him, he went up to the deck again, trying to act like he had more energy than he really felt. If the crew could do it after all that, then he should be able to as well...

Trying to find a place out of the way of the hurrying crew, he made a beeline towards the spar. Taking a seat on the deck, he leaned back against the railing for a bit watching the goings on. The ship looked like a kicked ant-hill, everyone working diligently, scurrying here and there, carrying this, coiling that, tying things off... Smiling, he did just about the only useful thing he could think of - he lifted up the flute and started to play. He started out with songs he'd learned from his mother. "C ock o' the north", "Jolly Jaim", and "Two Horses Running" were some of them. Everything he played was cheerful, bouncy, or uplifting, and from time to time he'd see a crewman turn his eyes towards Balin and smile for just a brief second before he turned to do some other task. Green eyes sparkling cheerily, he played his heart out; his pleasant demeanor covered up that when his mind wasn't immersed in a song, it was wondering how much longer before the chaos started again, and if they would come out as luckily as they had before.

Balin T'shai
apprentice gleeman
IRL lindsay

~I know the meaning of life and I'd tell you... but it kind of slipped my mind~

Edited by: Balin Tshai at: 10/28/01 6:04:20 pm

*grins* well... the music but we've gotta start a new thread now *cheers wildly*

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Picked up and carried = kidnapped *wink*

OOC: Okay, I moved this weekend, and my phone gets turned on today, BUT - there is no phone jack in the room w/ the puter, I have to install, I'm doing this at school where I have very limited time. Actually class starts in five minutes. Oh, and Akasi, I hope you don't mind that I've been taking your char along with mine this whole time, I know you're busy.

IC: Sidana slumped against the railing the moment they escaped the horror of the storm, into its eye. A respite, however brief. Actually, they could stay in the eye for as long as their supplies lasted, if they wished...if they were cowards. She turned to Akasi and ordered her to keep them in the eye until further notice. The almost-windfinder had done quite well, and was exhausted, but as much as it galled to admit it, she had weathered the storm much better than Sidana had. She would make sure Akasi got a chance to rest before they left the eye.

Staggering with exhaustion and pain, Sidana limped toward the cabin. Light, her ankle was definitely broken! Just as she reached the ladder, she began to feel her knees buckle under her, and knew she would fall, headfirst into the lower deck. Suddenly, strong arms scooped her up in the nick of time, and she felt herself being carried to her cabin. She passed out, and woke up to find Jio sitting on the bunk next to her, corking the gold-laced bottle containing her smelling-salts. He replaced the bottle and its chain around her neck, and began to inspect the swollen ankle.

*sits up suddenly* "Burn you, Jio, ASK before you do something like that!! The thing is broken, and there is nothing you can do about it. Maybe this, and a hundred other injuries might have been prevented if we had more rope on the deck. There should have been a large coil of it right by me, for me to brace against, and for Nerissa to use to bring me back up again..."

She stopped, too tired to go on, but the hurt look in his eyes told it all...she had blamed the injuries on him, and even though he was probably blaming himself anyway, it hurt him to think she did, too.

gotta go teach something to these kiddos...

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Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai
