Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai


Watching the Waves
Jio watched as the ship cut the waves, and rode with a steady footing on the gently rocking ship. He watched the men and women move about the deck, doing their tasks to a high quality, making the ship cruise as gently as it could through the waves. There was one person though, one leaning against a rail.

She was beautiful. Moving about the foredeck, he could only see part of her features, and it honestly still surprised him, being on land for the last few years as he had been, at the women's natural abiltity to go about half uncovered and not think two things about it. This woman though... he was awed. For the lack of a bette word, awed. He went down the starboard stair from the foredeck, and walked to the railing. he was sure she had seen him do it, and positive that she wasn't bline to the fact he was standing next to her. He opened his mouth, twice, then three times, searching for a word to say, and finally "hi" came out. he laughed at himsself, but never once faced the woman.

chuckle. He's not like vinn

RE: Watching the Waves
Sidana was staring out to sea. Leaning against the railing, she watched the horizon, undulating with the motion of the sea, normally imperceptible, but to Sidana, filled with the One Power, it was clear. She was just standing there, looking but not really seeing, and still amazed at the turn her life's path had taken.

Her heightened senses told her that someone was approaching, long before the shadow fell across the port railing. Annoyed, she ignored the man who intruded on her reverie, not even bothering to see who it was. After a few uncomfortable moments, a familiar voice said 'Hi' and nothing else. What under the Light did this shore-boy want? (Of course Jio is not a shore-boy, but growing up among the shorebound has made him one in her eyes)

She could not with honor ignore Jio when he spoke, so she sighed, and turned to look up at him. He was quite an attractive man, and he didn't tower over her quite as much as most, but a shore-boy he would remain in her eyes. Sidana's life had changed in many unexpected ways recently, but of that, at least, she was certain.

"Did you need something, Jio?" she asked, barely able to hide her irritation.

Sidana din Lorin
You didn't think I'd make it easy, did you? (and btw, have you noticed how my life has started to bear some striking resemblances to Sidana's?)
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

RE: Watching the Waves
Jio smiled easily, but continnued to look out only over the waves. "Its quite simple, actually. I have a problem."
Jio nodded, taking a serious look to his face. "I can't decide which is more beautiful, the sun, as it reflection dances the waves, or the sun that stands here beside me, asking me if i need something."
A moments silence.
Jio spoke again, thinking Sidana wouldn't. "I think i do need something... I imagine you might be able to help me with it."

Yeah... i did notice.

RE: Watching the Waves
Sidana was completely flabbergasted...what nerve, this man being so forward!! Was this how those shorebound fools showed their interest in a woman?? Well, there WAS something to be said for getting compliments like that every once in a while...

But despite the fact that she (sort of) admitted to herself that she enjoyed being compared to the sun, she was still quite angry...and she still held saidar...

Before the shock could even register on Jio's face, he was being lifted into the air, over the railing, and had been dumped right overboard into the sea!

Sidana din Lorin
Affronted Windfinder *g*
Not to be trifled with
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

RE: Watching the Waves
Jio tried to yell... but hit the water before he could get it out, but not before he could open his mouth. he gagged for a moment, still surprised, but quickly recovered. She had used the ability on him... he was torn over that... Right up to the moment he was suckin water, he watched the waves, not her, he didn't even get to see the look on her face when he said that. He knew that he wasn't like those courtly princess that rode people down in the streets, but this... he didn't think he missed so much with his poetic sun reference that it'd be a complete flop. He did learn one thing though, and that was this woman was rough and tough, and needed to be treated as such.


Jio had changed, and walked back out onto the deck. He saw Sidana there with a curt smile on her face. He smiled, and cut back down the deck, so that he was standing in front of her. They were only a few feet from the railing, the same one that she had lifted him over before. "Good day, apprentice Din Lorin. How are you?"
She started to open her mouth, a slight annoyance coming to her eyes when he said apprentice, and was staring so fiercly at him, that she didn't see his arms come up, and clamp to her hips. her eyes turned sour at that moment, and Jio knew he had to act fast. There was no time to throw her over like he wanted to. So just threw himself over the side, still holding on.


RE: Watching the Waves
Okay, this is going WAY too far...Sidana is one pissed-off little Windfinder *eg*

Jio had flipped them both over the railing...Sidana could not at all fathom why. Sure, he might feel a childish need for revenge, but why give himself another dunking at the same time?? If he thought that the mere fact of both of them being cold and wet at the same time would make her just fall at his feet...he must be insane.

She lost saidar in her shock, but retained enough presence of mind to kick away from Jio an instant after they hit the water, and to shed the heavy gold jewelry hanging around her neck. He would pay for the loss of that collection, built up over the past few years. So if she kicked away from him little more viciously than was necessary, well, she had reason. A little bruising wouldn't hurt him. When she surfaced, a flash of red under the water told her that he was about to come up a few feet away. She headed for the ladder (still hanging from the side of the ship from when he had climbed up before) without another glance at the idiot, and waited for the right moment to begin her ascent up the ladder.

As soon as she was certain the rocking of the waves would not dash her against the ship's side, she began clambering up the ladder as quickly as she could, reached the deck without looking down even once, and headed immediately for her cabin. They had drawn a small crowd, but she ignored them all. Once she had closed the door to her cabin she drew a deep breath for calmness, and then stripped off her sodden pants and sash. Hanging them up, she then pulled out another pair of the trousers in the same vibrant yellow, a green sash, and put them on. She then sat down on her bunk, fuming at that impossible man.

'If he even comes near me again'...she was thinking, just as a knock sounded at the door...

Pissed-off little Windfinder
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

OOC: I'm very sorry but I did RP a bit for your characters, so if any of it doesn't suit your char or you just don't want it to be in there just tell me and I'll edit the post :o)

Zhaneel paused in her writing as she heard a commotion above. A few minutes before something had started on deck but had stopped shortly and abruptly after resulting in a dripping Jio passing her cabin towards his own to change. She sighed and set down her pen. Walking calmly into the hall she was nearly knocked over by Sidana. The Windfinder was now also wet and Zhaneel could practically see the steam of her anger fuming off of her. Something was not right. Quickening her pace slightly she made her way up the narrow stairs in a flowing trot.

Once on deck she found a croud of crewmen and deckhands looking about nervously and some laughing behind their hands trying to conceal amusement. As Jio swung himself up over the top of the ladder Zhaneel nearly burst into laughter herself. Most likely he had been gawking at the women on deck again. Cargomaster or not he still behaved like a foolish shore-boy. Regaining her composure she stalked over to him and demanded to know the situation. He mumbled something about poetry and stubborn women before glaring at her as if the whole ordeal had been her own fault. With her eybrows drawn and her lips pressed into a tight line she did not look like the friendly young woman she tried to be. Zhaneel calmed herself with a deep breath telling herself she was imagining him looking at her bare chest.

Before she could open her mouth he was walking away towards the stairs to the cabins. Bewildered at his rudeness she deliberately stood on spot and called him back.

"Jio, I wish to speak with you in my cabin. You are not to be fooling around on deck, especially not with an AUDIENCE!" She couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Sopping wet and most likely beaten by Sidana. Which reminded her....

She turned to a young deckhand and spoke smoothly with some kindness in her voice so as not to frighten the girl. "Go fetch Windfinder Sidana and tell her to report to my cabin immediately." Hiding her smile she walked with the Atha'an Miere lilt to the steps. This was going to be amusing.

Once she reached her cabin she motioned Jio to a chair and took one for herself. She practically giggled. Despite the ruccus Zhaneel always felt excited when there was a spark between her shipmates. And she could practically see the flames between Sidana and Jio, whether they liked it or not.

Sorry if that was a bit harsh......just couldn't resist *s*

A Simple Task
OOC: I hope you don't mind me jumping in here if it's a problem I can just delete this


Nerissa din'Canace had been on the ship but a short while but was already due for promotion to crewman...and though she knew that it was not her place, she had observed and silently analysed the behavior of the Windfinder and the Cargomaster to herself -- such figures she was and remained in awe of...yet...they behaved like children! She pushed that thought out of her head and returned to thought of the task at hand -- convincing Sidana to come to the Sailmistress's cabin...and Jio was there. There was disaster written all over her chore...Nerissa hoped wholeheartedly that Sidana would spare her from her "rage" towards Jio.
She stealthily crept towards the Windfinder, attempting to make as little noise and sudden motion as possible and searched for words to start with...Sidana turned to face her. Nerissa stuttered a little, in awe and fear towards Sidana...a woman she feared and idolized at once, after all, it was her own secret dream to be a Windfinder someday as her mother before her had been. Struggling for words she started...
"Um...Windfinder din'Lorin? The Sailmistress wants you in her cabin immediately"
She trembled a little and poised herself to be struck...but her fears were not immediately justified and she relaxed a little...waiting for a response from the Windfinder of whom she was in awe

Nerissa din'Canace
technically new Crewman on the Twilight Moon

RE: A Simple Task
OOC: Zhan, wonderful post!! (I was literally lmao out loud at work) We are gonna have lots of fun messing with Jio, I think *winks*

IC: Sidana frowned as she listened to the summons to see Zhaneel. Then she realized that the poor crewman was practically trembling with fear that she would lash out at her! She immediately softened her expression, but not too much. This girl would, after all, very likely end up as her apprentice before too much longer, if she could keep her nerve...

"Stand up straight, child, and stop shaking," she said sternly, looking up at Nerissa (OOC: Nerissa, I'm about 4'7" just so you know) "Lead on, then, since you were ordered to BRING me to the Sailmistress, instead of just telling me to go." She followed the girl, muttering about being led when she knew the way blindfolded. When she reached Zhaneel's door, she gathered her composure and calmly entered behind Nerissa. "Here is the Windfinder, Sailmistress," the girl said, still obviously very nervous.

Sidana was mentally steeling herself for the well-deserved tongue-lashing she would receive for her behavior. She didn't regret tossing Jio into the sea, however...the man was insufferable, and fully deserved both dunkings. With these thoughts in mind, Sidana saluted the Sailmistress, and meekly went to the table when bidden to sit. Only then did she notice Jio sitting there, face like a thundercloud...

Windfinder and co-founder of the Twilight Moon
Okay, somebody sock it to me, I'm ready *winks*
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

RE: A Simple Task
Jio was confused. All these crazy women running about... It was enough to drive him insane...

After his fun with the windfinder, Sidana, he found himself, well... bounced around. He was the Cargomaster on the Twilight Moon, and here longer than all these crazy women put together... He scoffed as he watched Sidana come into the room. And he waited. Silently. His sword was already loose in his scabbard, the moment she walked in the room. He doubted he would draw on any female, but for some odd reason, he thought he'd get his point accross with it, if they started slapping him about too much... or even Sidana... the look on her face almost worried him.

i'm confused. lol. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?! i have read that RP a couple of times, and i am just lost. lol... i'm goign to read it again though... maybe more than once.

i got it now... i guess we're waiting on you Zah. *chuckles* And i wouldn't draw on Sidana, no matter how much she slapped me about... just for a note. *doubts there's room for it anyways*

Edited by: maglin (Jio) at: 9/27/01 6:59:18 pm

OOC: hey Jio, sorry that I kinda took over for your char there for a bit, and sorry I'm kinda taking a seat of power but hey I am Sailmistress You gave me the title *ggls* but no worries, I'll keep in mind that we're supposed to be equal oh and sorry bout us girls picking on ya

IC: Zhaneel gestured to a seat in front of her when Sidana came in. The petite woman looked fairly disgruntled as she took her seat glaring at Jio. The two looked as if they wanted to go for each others throats, although Jio seemed a little more subdued. Clearing her throat Zhaneel decided to stop this before it began again.

"Sidana, Jio, I cannot understand the reasoning behind such irrationnal behaviour!! This is childish and you both know better than this!" Both turned to her and looked as if they had forgotten she was there. Shaking her head Zhaneel continued on.

"Never mind, I don't want an explanation. Your flirtations are none of my business so long as they stop putting a bad name to this ship!" This time Zhaneel lost control of her facial expressions for just a moment letting out a laugh which was so quickly stopped that it sounded more like a snort. Jio glared at her handling his sword by his waist. The man was insufferable. Did he really think she would raise a hand to him, her Cargomaster. Tsking, Zhaneel leaned back in her chair. Her eyes shifted to a sudden movement by the door. She had forgotten that the young crewman (well woman...) was still at the door. Relieved to be able to let out some of her humour Zhaneel smiled at the young girl. Sidana and Jio turned to her as well.

"I do apologize. Come in, you may take a seat." Zhaneel gestured to a wooden chair off to the side of her desk. "You are Nerissa din'Canace, yes? I believe you will be Sidana's apprentice soon enough." At the girl's slight nod Zhaneel looked to Sidana. "You will be taking her on as soon as she finishes her preliminary training. Now, before you all are dismissed, is there anything which you wish to discuss with me?"

Sailmistress to the Twilight Moon

OOC: I kinda left the end open so if you want to bring up a new topic that's fine with me or if you just want to continue with this, whatever Sorry this one wasn't too interesting.....

Questions Unasked
Nerissa had sat down in the chair as motioned and then wondered what to say, now that she was permitted to speak...he cheeks began to flush what little they could as she fumbled for words. She knew now that she would be allowed to have her dream...she would someday be a Windfinder...what to say?
The Sailmistress smiled at her benevolently and waited for words...Nerissa struggled to give them.
"So...I'm going to train to be a Windfinder?" she asked, barely believing that the answer could be yes. The Sailmistress nodded and Nerissa fumbled for something else to say...wondering in the back of her mind when she would have lessons, if she could indeed channel -- she knew that not all Windfinders could -- how hard it would be to learn. The weight of the responsibility she would one day take on when she was Windfinder on a ship hit her -- she would have to be strong and not hesitant then...she straightened in her chair and became concious of her wide eyed half aware expression, exchanging it for a restrained smile in imitation of the fabled Aes Sedai from tales she had heard told by those who were granted the gift of passage on her aunt's ship...she knew from the tales that those women could channel too. She wondered also, if those channelers on the mainland could have anything so wonderful as what Windfinders have -- to be accepted by soceity rather than feared by it...she thanked the Light she had been born of the Atha'an Miere.
Finally she broke the expectant silence... "Does this mean that I can channel?"
The Sailmistress and Windfinder nodded in unison, Nerissa had to restrain herself...the joy...the pain...the weight of it...the beauty...all too know agony and ecstasy in one...she was...

OOC: hope this isn't too insane and off tangent...this is her lifelong dream and she's hardly believing it...I figure I've gotta give her some leeway to dwell on it just for a little's starting to sink in for her

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon

RE: Questions Unasked
Jio shook his head and made to stand. "I have to prepare our trading with the brewer on land..." He looked at Nerissa, and at her expression. Letting free with a small smile at her, he reached down and locked his sword back into its scabbard. "If you ladies are done with me yet?"
He looked questioningly at Sidana, then Zah.... he had things he wanted to say to the first, but he didnt' know how he was going to get them out. It was driving him nuts. He couldn't honestly decide if he wanted to keep sleeping with his sword next to him on the pallet, or this woman instead.... He decided it would indeed be nicer sleeping with the woman... he rubbed a small scar on his elbow thinking about it... idily of course the thought came to mind wether or not the woman would be sharper than the sword...


I'm Definitely the Sharper of the
Sidana needed to speak with the Sailmistress alone, so she gave Nerissa orders to meet her abovedeck in one hour. Then she turned to Jio, intending to say something, but he was rising to leave. In spite of herself she met his eye for an instant, and what she saw set alarm bells going off in her head immediately. His eyes held...something...inexplicable...

Then he was gone, before she could pinpoint what it was that she saw, but she felt relieved more than anything else, that she didn't have to stand coolly under that gaze any longer. The man just rubbed her the wrong way, that was all. The rest was her imagination - it had to be.

When the cabin was quiet once more, Sidana turned to Zhaneel, intending to discuss their plans, when a bell rang up on the foredeck. "Land in sight," a voice bellowed. Sidana sighed, and saluted Zhaneel before turning on her heel to head for her own cabin, to don a green silk blouse. They had made better time than even she had expected, and would be putting into port in less than 24 hours. Damn! This would mean another confrontation with Jio when she informed him that she would be joining him on the trip to the brewery. And that was another experience she would rather avoid...

Sidana din Lorin
Making this up as I see where y'all take it...
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

Stayin with the ship.......
Zhaneel nodded in reply to Sidana's salute and then raised the arm of her own chair to go find her blue blouse and her cream coloured sash. Swaying with the lilt of the ship she walked to her apartments and quickly found the appropriate clothing. She carefully unhooked the chain from her earing and placed the remainder of her medallions on it. She sighed at the extra weight as she hooked it back into place. Flicking her long black hair behind her shoulders she made her way to the upper deck. The Sailmistress always seemed to be needed on deck.

Once there she found her crew milling about productively. Sidana was standing at stern keeping a curious eye on Jio. Zhaneel supposed that Sidana would be going on the visit with Jio. It was all the better anyhow for Zhaneel didn't particualrily like being off of the calming waves for very long, it reminded her too much of her childhood. She shook her head with jingles from her chain as she cleared her head.

"You boy, I want you to tie the larger sails down and continue ahead, we will continue at this speed for about another 5 hours. Make sure to tell the others that so everyone is coordinated." A ship couldn't run itself, he needed his mistress to care for him. Looking out towards the land Zhaneel estimated they would be approximately another 18 hours. Less time than she had predicted, but it usually was. Better to overestimate than underestimate.

She walked over to Jio to discuss the time that would be spent ashore and the items whiched needed to be purchased. Jio would also need to discuss these things with Sidana. The two needed to get along for the trip if they were to be respectable. Besides they should have some time alone to work out what had happened.

Sailmistress to the Twilight Moon

OOC: Its late, I'm tired, sorry guys..... its not that interesting and not so good either......:P

RE: Not stayin with the ship.......
Jio smiled as he approached Sidana. "I hear you're going on land with me?"
She looked at him, an almost forced scowl on her face. "Yes"
Jio grinned, and looked out into the city. "We need to purchase more cloth, for various reasons. I also want to buy an extra sail for the spinnaker mast. We'll get them from the harbor, and then head into town to talk to the brewer i know of there, yes?"

Jio looked at this woman, waiting for her answer.


I believe that front mast is named the spinnaker mast... they name it that because it carries the same shape sail that the spinnaker does itself. *shrugs if it isn;t*

Joining the fun!
Akasi was as scornful as ever of Sidana, the difference now was she wasn't allowed to show it. At least not in public. Now she had to listen to everything the windfinder said. It was awful having to take orders from Sidana as she didn't like Akasi anymore than Akasi liked her. Lucky for Akasi she was due to be raised to Windfinder soon. In the mean time she was Sidana's apprentice, of all things. She was never sure how she had let it happen. What made it worse, Sidana treated Nerissa more as her apprentice and Akasi she just tried to make miserable. Akasi admired Nerissa. She had worked with her once or twice, and the girl learned quickly. She also had her heart on becoming a Windfinder, a dream Akasi could very well relate to. She reach the position of windfinder very quickly in Akasi's estimation if she learned to channel quickly and the potential was strong in her. Akasi looked forward to the possibility of instructing her. Her only fault was that she idolized Sidana.

Akasi was very amused with what had been going on lately. The sparks between Sidana and Jio were obvious, but they were handling it rather childishly. Sidana had been making a fool of herself lately, an event that was always to be enjoyed in Akasi's eyes. And not only that Sidana was still infuriated with the Cargomaster and as result Akasi was forgotten by the Windfinder and therefore not miserable. And the best thing yet was Sidana was going to be gone for a few days. And it was Akasi who would get to take over her duties while she was gone. Not that that was a huge deal, considering the ship wasn't going to be going anywhere, but it would give her a taste of what it was like to be windfinder when the time actually came, if only a brief one.

Akasi was at that moment heading towards her Rival and superior's quarters for her final orders before she left. She had already donned her blouse and was looking forward to a eventless afternoon. When she finally got there she found that the woman had already left. Akasi really had been forgotten. Not knowing exactly what to do she went to go find Zhaneel. She wasn't on intimate terms with the Sailmistress, but that could change.

She found Zhaneel on the deck admiring the view. "Sailmistress?" Zhaneel turned and Akasi began to explain herself, " see Sidana asked me to come to her quarters this morning so she could give me some final instructions, but..."

Akasi din Kalin
Apprentice-Windfinder. (for now)

Spouting ideas :) .....
Zhaneel turned at the sound of someone's voice. It was Akasi. So, Sidana had forgotten to give last instuctions had she? Zhaneel chuckled to herself shaking her head at the unknowing love-struck girl. Bringing herself back to reality she concentrated on thinking of instructions for Akasi.

"Well, the sails do need to be checked and we're going to need to find a good wind to get back out onto the sea...." She continued to list off the chores that Sidana would otherwise have to do when she got back. But Akasi's face did not brighten at the chance to do all that a windfinder would. Instead she began to look pouty and Zhaneel could almost see her grumbling to herself. Perhaps she had thought the job of Windfinder would be all fun and games. Most likely not, the girl was, after all, about to be raised to Windfinder herself. "I suppose if you just check the sails and search for a good wind which I'm sure you have already learned, I can set some of the more insignificant tasks for Nerissa who has not learned Saidar yet." She smiled as Akasi's face brightened and decided she ought to be doing some chores herself.

Dismissing Akasi, Zhaneel set out to find Nerissa to give her her chores.

OOC: If you guys want you can start up something fun, start a commotion, you know have a shore-born come on deck without permission, or requesting passage, and Akasi, you and I could work out the gift of passage or something.....just spouting ideas

Oh and Jio and Sidana, if you two want you can start your adventure in a new post so you don't have to switch back and forth, and when your done, just come back to this post.....

The Root of Dedication
Nerissa went about her chores, trying to pretend that nothing had happened...but after that meeting in the cabin, reality had rooted itself too deeply in her to be denied. She could seemed an age had passed since she'd felt landlegs from standing on the docks while in port, though this trip had been shorter than some she had been on in her youth. She had never liked the feeling of firm and unmoving surfaces under her feet...but now she almost embraced it as a pleasant novelty -- that is, until she became a little dizzy and stumbled while moving some crates of cargo, nearly spilling their valuble contents meant for trade upon the dock. She regained herself and focused on the attempt to walk on land wasn't so hard, she'd spent a few years of her life ashore after all -- and hated every moment of it until now when she found the ability to walk on land useful.
She set the crates down and looked for some other order to carry out...anything to keep her occupied. She tugged at her blouse, unable to bear wearing it, but fully aware that it was neccessary while ashore.
She turned to see Zahneel, the Sailmistress and knew that she would be put to some task...she wondered what it would be this time. Whatever it was, she was committed to doing it. Nerissa prided herself on being a hard worker and a dedicated one...even if she was perhaps a little too ready to bow to authority. Nerissa didn't see it that way...she only wanted to do what was best for the ship and those aboard him and respected her higher ups greatly for all that they knew...all that they could teach her...even through her simple chores she could learn things and become stronger.
Nerissa looked to Zahneel...waiting for her task to be named, and Zahneel began to speak.

OOC: sorry if this is horrid (or if I'm putting it on the wrong board)...*sighs*...*loathes her midterms* I can change it if need be

Nerissa din'Canace
Crewman on the Twilight Moon

Assigning more chores...
OOC: Its seems I'm doing a lot of that......oh and don't worry Nerissa, it seems I have taken over this post, so Jio and Sidana are being forced to start a new trading one...sorry guys *smiles sheepishly*

IC: Zhaneel grumbled at having to walk on the firm ground. Her stomach lurched as if imitating the waves she wanted. She walked over to Nerissa and took a deep calming breath before risking opening her mouth.

"Since you will soon be an aprentice windfinder I would like you to do a few of the windfinder's chores since she will be away. And since you have not yet learned to channel I will set you with the easier chores. First off I would like you to keep a close eye on any who may want to board our ship. While you are doing this you will check the hull of the ship for any damage which has been done. He may need some repair after that storm we passed. Now don't forget, if anyone asks for passage you must bring them to me at once. Don't try to do anything yourself, you haven't had the training. And fetch Akasi if someone does come, for she has had training and is taking the position of windfinder until Sidana's return. I will be in my cabin should I be needed." Zhaneel winced at the harshness of her own words but did not allow herself to take any of them back. She was Sailmistress and must keep her respect. She turned on her heel and headed back for her ship.

Sitting down behind her desk Zhaneel picked up her pen and sighed thankfully for the calm waves which gently rocked the ship.

Feelin a little queezy......sorry it was so short.....

Watching the Docks...
As soon as the Sailmistress was out of sight, Nerissa went to work, inspecting the hull...the damage to him was not horrible, but is was worth noting -- damage could accumulate over long voyages if left unchecked. She then went about setting right what little bits she could while keeping watch and making note of what repairs would have to fall to others more skilled in them...tough places she dared not try to get at.
She went on deck once she was done inspecting the hull and stood for a second, observing the milling masses around ships nearby...comforted by the gentle rocking here. She didn't trip over her own feet on a ship...never...she never became sick here either. She thought back to when she tripped on the docks -- she had felt high and almost alive for a second before her stomach had lurched and her steps faltered -- ...she shook her head in remembrance of that strange and mixed. Like strange liquors and dishes of some countries...nice at first and then...
She chose not to think of it any longer and focus on her task at hand...she had been given the job of keeping watch and minding that no one come onboard without fetching Akasi and bringing the seeker of passage to Sidana's cabin. There was no one who might be seeking passage quite yet...but without a doubt they would come -- the ships of the Atha'an Miere were legendary for their speed and Nerissa noted that the Twilight Moon was certainly deserving of the praise in had, after all, made the voyage in very good time. She studied, from the corner of one eye, a man on the docks nearby who seemed to be sizing up the ship and noted his the Amayar, only taller. She puzzeled at him and corrected her posture to be more dignified yet not overstepping rank in a graceful segue so as not to make it obvious should the observer cast him eyes upon her. He finally walked away and she sighed...she wondered if he would be back so she could study him some more -- strange and unattractive to her as he was, he held himself oddly for a mainlander...
She turned her eyes to look at Akasi as she tended to the sails and immersed herself in the duties of Windfinder with passion. She hoped in her heart that she would be there one day...
Nerissa sighed and turned her eyes back to the milling crowds of the port...those who would seek passage, those who would trade, the hoodlums, the crewman and deckhands, passengers hauling their possesions off the docks at the end of their voyage at sea, and the ever present people who came near to the Twilight Moon just to study or stare...
Nerissa patiently posed and waited for them all...some might be back to board in a while while others looked ready to leave at a minute's notice. She smiled to herself...always something new in this life...always something interesting.
The sun beat down on her back through the light material of the blouse and she wished that she didn't have to wear it...but comforted herself that she only had to wear it a short while...
She held herself in anticipation as someone came near as though pondering boarding...she waited for a moment...yes, she wanted a definite answer before bothering Akasi or Zahneel...

OOC: I think I'm going to throw a copy of this up on the West RP board (is this okay?) *yawns and runs off to take cold shower*

Nerissa din'Canace
Crewman on the Twilight Moon

Ooc: Totally fine by me, but um...Zhaneel is the one in charge. *winks*

Akasi sighed as she got to her duties. Nothing was different. She had to do all the same things, except now she had more of those same things. On the upside she did have more of the authority that she wanted even if for now it lacked the respect she wanted with it. Not that they didn't respect her, just not as a windfinder even though for all intent and purposes she was one. One afternoon had been enough to discover that. She was not a superior, she was an equal to many and some of them felt they had to check with the Sailmistress just to make sure. And, she admitted to herself, had she been in there position she probably would have done the same as she was still their equal as much as she hated it.

She enjoyed being a windfinder more at sea where her special skills were needed. Where she could feel the sea breeze blowing in her face and the boat rocking beneath her feet...where she could channel. And that was not the most pleasant of thoughts. She loved to channel, to bathe in the ectasy it provided, but she was still afraid of it. That was why Sidana had been raised and she had not. As long as she was afraid she didn't have complete control.

Suddenly, out of no where, a wave of loneliness swept over her and she fought the urge to cry. She knew she had no friends. No real ones anyway and it was to the fault of no one but herself. She had been cold and distant and that never attracted possible friends. But she had her reasons...if only Meyadt were here she could bear it all...

Akasi and her older sister, Meyadt, were crouched behind a huge crate on the deck of the Water Dancer (sorry I'm not very original with names). They were waiting and their mother would be furious had she known what was going on. They had put a nest of scorpions (and no, they're aren't a poisonous kind) they had acquired on shore the day before in the crewmen's quarters. They sat restlessly.

"Meyadt, nothing's happening," whined a young Akasi, "the scorpions must not have been disturbed. We must have put them in the wrong place."

"Shh, don't say that so loud. Someone'll hear you. And don't worry. They just haven't all waken up yet. Be patient."

As if on queue someone screamed and before they could blink there were crewman and a few deckhands running around trying to shake off the little parasites. Akasi and Meyadt were rolling over in a fit of laughter. And then suddenly a shadow fell over them. It was the Windfinder staring down at them sternly. The two girls struggled to their feet still fighting off the last of their laughing attacks.

"Just what do you think is so funny?!" she demanded of them

"Mother..." Meyadt winced as soon as she began "I mean, Windfinder, please we were just..." she begain to explain.

Akasi could not help but smile at the memory. She needed to stop brooding her she realized. It was keeping her from enjoying the tasks onerous though they could be. And then the day and recent events didn't seem quite so bad.

Hours later she was mending the sails and enjoying it. Nerissa was watching as multitudes of people passed by and Akasi was keeping half an eye on her. She reprimanded herself for doing so because if she had been in Nerissa's position she would have been furious with someone not trusting her, not even giving her a chance to make a mistake. But Akasi couldn't help it. She noticed the person approaching the ship and was about to "welcome" him, but then hesitated. No, she would wait to see how Nerissa would handle it.

Long-lost Sister of Meyadt
Rival of Sidana
Apprentice Windfinder

Hey girls, it's Zahneel...also being lazy
OOC: I'm not actually going to respond to this one because we are moving to the West board and we're gonna see if we can actually find someone who wants to rp with us and board the ship, it'll keep the rp a little more don't worry I'll get it up soon and if you could, try just postin a couple comments about some sailors needed for a lovely trip on a boat full of topless woman....that should get them coming hehehe.....

Tryin her darndest

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Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai
