Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai


Walking the Streets of Falme
Jio moved in and out of the crowds with ease. It was nothing more than the chaos at Ebou Dar, the place where he grew up, but different enough to cause for trouble. Weeks on the ship and given him a gait that couldn't be compared to anyone on the streets in the town. He and Sidana had long since done their work on the pier, and had moved into the city itself, looking for the tailors and seamstresses that they would need. Sidana was quiet though, to the point where it made Jio nervous. He kept looking at her, with a worried look on his face, wondering if she was ok...


Edited by: maglin at: 10/1/01 8:42:42 am

RE: Walking the Streets of Falme (as Sidana)
Sidana was concentrating...with all her being...

Concentrating on walking, and on keeping her dinner in her stomach where it belonged. Unlike her insufferable companion, Sidana had only been on dry land twice in her life...once when she was three years old (cried the ENTIRE time) and once not too long ago in a training class. She watched Jio, and how he walked just as easily as these city people, and tried to look like she wasn't going to sick up at any moment.

She also concentrated on not boxing Jio's ears. Did I say insufferable?? The man was UNBEARABLE!!!! He had spent most of his life among the shorebound (hence a good part of the reason for her scorn of him) and he kept looking down at her like he was gloating or something. So what if he was at home on land?? She couldn't be faulted for inexperience!! How dare he look at her and smile!?!?

She stumbled, and her stomach lurched...CONCENTRATE!! she told herself...

FINALLY, they arrived at the seamstress' shop, and the pair were invited to sit down while they discussed their business. "Silk we have," Jio was saying. "Send some of your boys to the docks to fetch it, and we will have samples for you to use as patterns, as well..." Sidana tuned him out for the nonce, while pretending to listen intently to the negotiations. Her real function here was to watch every movement, every nuance of the shopowner's behavior, and to signal Jio when she noted a weakness he could use. This was a key to bargaining, that the shorebound rarely understood. While Jio held her attention, she was looking away from Sidana...

Sidana suddenly felt a bit uneasy...what was it? Resisting the urge to embrace Saidar, she instead concentrated her senses outside the room...listening...

Then she felt it...there was a woman nearby, perhaps in this very shop, who could channel...Aes Sedai??? Or just one of those wilders they were always going on about?? One thing was certain, she could NOT allow any Aes Sedai to discover her. She was far too strong in the Power to ever get free of the clutches of the White Tower, and they would assuredly send sisters to the ships looking for more like her...

The sick feeling in her stomach had returned...but for a very different reason, now.

Windfinder of Clan Wind Dancer
"Small of stature does not equal small of spirit."
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

RE: Walking the Streets of Falme (as Sidana)
There was a moments silence as Jio glanced at Sidana. Her face spoke a million stories of warning, and fear… the moment was only broken by the sound of the bell of the shop being rung.
The shopkeeper stood… “You excuse me, yes?”
Jio nodded, as stood as the woman did. Watching her leave, calmly. As soon as her figure passed into the storefront, Jio reached down and checked the sword in the scabbard, making positively sure that it was loose and free in it’s sheathe. Look at sidana he spoke. “What is it?”
She looked at him. “Aes Sedai.”
Jio raised an eyebrow, then slowly understood. Sidana could use the one power, that’s how she sent him over the side on the ship… the aes sedai also used the power… it was much like two dogs that didn’t like each other in the cage… they’d fight until one broke free… the atha an for their freedom, the Aes Sedai for their tradition… Jio almost drew the sword, but he remembered the men that walked with them. Warders, he knew… and dangerous. “I’ll see you back to the ship. Lets go.”


I just can't walk out of here ya know...
(This is the perfect example of when you should "run in circles, scream and shout" like it says in my quote - lol)

If Sidana could feel the presence of a woman who could channel, then the woman could feel her. The only chance they had was if the Aes Sedai wasn't paying attention...

While Jio peered through the partially open door to see what he could, Sidana went to the window. Thank the Light, it would open easily, for she could not channel to help it along. But best to go out throught the shop, or they would call entirely too much attention to themselves by disappearing. Sidana thought furiously...pros and cons of each course of action...better surely to try to wait her out, if possible. Rarely had Sidana felt so helpless.

"What do you see out there?" she asked Jio, who could see most of the main shop from the doorway. As he turned to look at her, she stifled a sigh. Even with their imminent danger, she couldn't help but wish there was some way to avoid having Jio get her out of this mess...he would be even more insufferable after this. But he would save her, she knew that, if anyone could - Jio had proven himself to be infuriatingly capable.

Sidana din Lorin
Windfinder in a tight spot...
And pissed that a man (especially THIS one) has to help get me out of it!!
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

A distraction...
Jio grinned... "i see a woman, coming inside. Perhaps a diversion?"
Sidana looked at him. "A diversion? What could you possibily do?"
Jio grinned again. "Go through the window. Get down to the corner... wait for me there. Talk to a few peddlers or something-" he handed her a purse from his belt "Buy something, i don't care what, and use it there. If its food, eat it. Whatever. I should only be a minute."
Sidana looked at Jio, and before she could say a word, He was through the door.


Jio raced into the front room where the Aes Sedai stood, drawing his sword. "Seamstress. A ruffian! Came through the back, and went out the window, that way down the road.." he was racing towards the door. "I shall stop him. He stole --" at about that time he ran full into the woman, who had a ring on her finger of a snake biting it's own tail. The way Jio had his head turned, shouting to the seamstress, with his sword out, claiming theif, and then running into the Aes Sedai, it was almost too much. He was a cargomaster, not an actor, but he'd do what was needed. He looked at the woman he toppled, just as a large man came through the door. He knew who he was. A warder, and probably the Aes Sedais. "Sir. you look a fighting man. A theif stole something from this seamstress... we can stop him if we leave now."
The warder looked at Jio, hand still on his hilt. He realized Jio meant no harm, and helped stand the Aes Sedai up. "Rebecca?" he asked the woman.
The Aes Sedai brushed herself off. "Yes. I suppose we could stop him." She turned to Jio. "An Atha An?"
"Yes Ma'am. I can give you the description of the man, so you can find him. I'm late to my ship. The master will have my ears on the main mast if i am not back in time."
The seamstresses eyes got a confused look in them.
The Aes Sedai shrugged. "Might as well. The woman i felt is farther away now anyways... probably just another sister."
Jio nodded, and capped for the two as well as he could the man's 'description' in just a few lines, and making sure they understood that he went the other way from where he had sent sidana. he left them, and aimed for the corner.


RE: A distraction...
Sidana clambered through the window, cursing to herself all the while. What kind of diversion was Jio planning?? Probably get himself killed, the fool. Well, she would wait where he said, and trust the Light to get them safely back to the Twilight Moon. But NOT until they had completed the rest of their business here.

Jio soon ran up, grabbed her arm and took off down a side street, turning several times but always heading for the docks. Sidana was outraged. His grip was like iron, but finally her temper got the better of her, and she stuck her foot between his and he went flying. With a thump he hit the paving stones face first and rolled with the fall, but in spite of his efforts he came up bleeding from his nose. Jio glared at her, stepped into the shadow of a building, and grabbed her by the waist. Even more outraged at the affront, she tried to hit him again, but before she realized what he was doing he had ripped off HER sash to use as a handkerchief!! The yellow silk was forever ruined, stained with blood...but it still served him right.

When everything was under control once more, Sidana said sternly, "Now, Cargomaster, we have unfinished business here in this hole of a town. I suggest you compose yourself and we walk out of here like nothing is wrong. No," she cut off his protests, "we are NOT going back until we are done. I did not come ashore just for a sightseeing tour and a climb out of a window. And I will NOT be the one to tell Zhaneel that a Windfinder and a Cargomaster cannot even handle a simple mission to gather supplies and information."

Pissed (as usual *g*)
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

RE: A distraction...
Jio simply glared. He didn't see the one that he was attracted to at this moment. Hell... the red red on his lips from his bleeding nose couldn't compare to the red that filled his vision... but he couldn't hit her back. As he looked at her, he say the spot on her arm that he had grasped too tightly, and was surprised. The red fringe around his vision started to fade, replaced again with worry.

"Is the Aes Sedai gone then?"
Sidana shook her head. "She was gone a long time ago, you foolish shorebound."
Jio only looked at her once, before handing back the sash. "I'll see that replaced." He said simply, as he walked back out into the street.

throwin a curve ball.

but, but, but...
Sidana stared as Jio walked off, the blood-stained silk falling forgotten from her fingers. He wasn't supposed to just leave her!! Well, if that was the way he wanted it, so be it. She started down the street behind him - but she wasn't following him, never that - she just happened to need to go in the same direction.

They had worked out a plan for if they should need to separate for any reason. They hadn't expected to, but it was wise to be prepared for any eventuality, and in this case it paid off. So Sidana quickly and efficiently went about taking care of the items she had been assigned, and left Jio to do his own thing. Then she returned to the ship, followed by a shopkeeper's son carrying much of the supplies she had purchased.

Jio was not aboard the Twilight Moon when she returned, but there were two strangers on his decks...(continued in new thread...)

Honey, I'm hoooome!!!
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

RE: but, but, but...
Jio sulked. he was frustrated, but with himself more than anything else. he couldn't believe he had so thoughtlessly been barbaric enough to use Sidana's shawl for that. He felt as if he could kick himself. He went to a seamstress, not the one from before, and bought a new peice from his own purse, hoping he could pave it over... but in all honestly... That damn woman was giving him a bloody headache. If she wanted to be so bloody boorish and stubborn like a goat, that's how he'd treat ... he stopped, and shook his head. "Not seeing red, but still thinking it it seems" he thought to himself. Chuckling at the thought of admonishing himself, he continued on his way, trade with that brewer still nessessary.


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Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai
