Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai


I'm Back....
OOC: well, we had a pretty tame adventure or two, but if you haven't read it, I tried to include enough info here to let us move on smoothly...I've tried to sorta keep up with what you guys had been doing while we were in town battling NPC Aes Sedai, NPC Warders, and each other *g*

IC: Jio was not aboard the Twilight Moon when she returned, but there were two strangers on his deck. One was a tall, blonde man with a serious air, as if he had come for a specific purpose and intended to see it through no matter what, but he also had a ready smile, and a bit of a roguish gleam in his eye. THAT man certainly had a woman on his mind. (OOC - is it El or Zhan??? *eg*) The other stranger was somewhat darker, shorter, more serious...and disappeared below soon after she boarded, so she didn't get many details. That one would bear further investigation...well, they both would.

Sidana saw Akasi first, and made sure the girl knew she had returned before making her report to Zhaneel. Yes, they had been separated, after a near-miss with an Aes, she had not been detected as a woman who could channel...yes, she had completed her business, and was sure Jio would return soon with his part of the trip done. The bargaining went well, even alone...(yes, two people are best for a bargain, but we have all been trained to go it alone.) We will have supplies enough for three months at sea, and all tariffs are settled, so the port authorities at Falme will not try to harrass us upon leaving. When Jio returns (no, I do not know when he will be here) we will know exactly what port to make for next, whether to stop at Tanchico or head straight for Ebou Dar. Ok, I will make sure Jio has the receipts from her purchases and sales for his log, I do NOT know when he will return, exactly. *thinks* why is she asking this over and over again??

Sidana had not told Zhaneel anything about the 'argument' with Jio, that was unimportant. And the Sailmistress had not commented on Sidana's missing sash...(where HAD the thing gotten to, anyway?? Oh, yeah, dropped in the street in Falme. It was ruined, so who cares?) She went to her own cabin then, to change (for the third or fourth time that day!) and then sought out her apprentice, Akasi, for a full report...

Sidana din Lorin
Windfinder of the most awesome raker in Randland!!
Doin' fine as long as that MAN is still away *lol*
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

Edited by: Rhysel at: 10/10/01 4:04:40 pm

RE: I'm Back! Any Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??
Jio moved through the streets with that simple ease. He had a few hours ago retrieved Sidana's new sash, and even though he found the bloody one that had been dropped, he intended to give the new one to her... It would be awkward to give her the bloody one, but he wanted it. He'd clean it a little first. The damn thing had horse dung on it for an obvious reason, and it stank to high hell, but he delt with it. His brewer he knew of, Rodet'cas Cha'lin by name, was first and foremost on his mind. He wanted a full load to trade in Ebou Dar. He knew that the innkeepers there would jump on it, having no middle man to deal with, and he could simply offer it at lower prices. He couldn't wait to make the deals nessessary.


3 carts burdened with ales, mead, beer, and every other imaginable product rolled out of Master Cha'Lin's yard 5 hours later. They were all headed for his ship, back in the pier, and he had decided to sit back and have a talk with Rodet'cas. The man was friends with his old master, the fishing buisness operative he worked directly under, and Rodet'cas wanted to know of the man. Jio easily told him of things that had happened while he was there, but had already spent a good month and a half on the water again, so things were a tad outdated. None the less, a glass of brandy between the two of them after successful trading for both sides had seen the two sitting back and talking idily as two traders in front of a calmly crackling fire in the brewer's den.

chuckles. I ain't comin back just yet.

Your Report mam!
Akasi was exhausted by the end of the day and when Sidana came looking for her to give her report she was only all to grateful for the respite. She took a breath before launching into it.

They'd spent the whole day for the most part making repairs to deck, hull, and sail alike. Then she and the Sailmistress had conducted the two bargains for the Gift of Passage. The first was uneventful, Akasi failed to hide her disappointment, but a rather good deal and the second they received what had been expected, but it had been more satisfying. She and the Sailmistress compared notes afterwards and had agreed that both men needed to be watched, but that's normal is it not? She was under the impression that they knew each other or something but she had no reason for believing such. Sidana occasionally nodded and smiled or asked a question for clarification. She did not look to happy. Her day must not have been fun.

"Where's your sash Windfinder?" She asked without thinking. The anger in Sidana's eyes were enough to send a deckhand running in fright and she immediately changed the subject. "Umm...Uh....Did the Sailmistress say when we were leaving?" praying that Sidana would dismiss the first question.

Apprentice Windfinder well, nevermind about that...
OOC: Okay, this post really's a bit boring even by my standards *s* but there really is nothing I can do to advance the action until our lovely guests post something exciting...hint hint to Cab and Marcus)

IC: Sidana managed to reign in her temper for once...and at Akasi, too, of all of the ones she rarely held it back with. Why? Ruthlessly she squashed a random thought...she was NOT worried about Jio!! Back to the matter at hand...

Now that she was back on deck, her stomach had settled and she felt much more assured. The Twilight Moon sat so high above the water that no prying Aes Sedai could see her if she channelled. So with Akasi accompanying her, she inspected the hull (from inside, of course) and the mainstays that had been damaged. Simple flows of Air would test the strength and integrity of the repairs; Air combined with Spirit would allow her to inspect the sails that Nerissa and Akasi had repaired, but they had already been replaced on the masts, and were high enough that any Aes Sedai on the docks would see the flows.

Having to trust Akasi's word about the sails grated on her already tense nerves, but since there was no help for it... "You have done well, Akasi. Get some rest for a few hours, Zhaneel has said we will get underway as soon as Jio returns. And remember, do NOT channel where anyone from the docks or the city would see or feel it. Stay on board, there is at least one Aes Sedai in Falme."

Sidana was glad Akasi did not ask WHEN Jio would return...she had already fielded that question from the Sailmistress at least a dozen times. She realized that she was standing at the railing, watching the streets where they ran down to the quays... turning with a scowl at herself, she went below to her cabin, to include in her journal the things she had NOT reported on... (OOC: don't ask, just setting the stage if we decide to go after the Cooramoor, I don't KNOW at this point what I left out of the reports *g*)

Windfinder of Clan Wind Dancer

"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

RE: I'm Back! Any Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??
Cabroci had watched from the corner of his eye as the new Atha'an arrived on deck, and softly smiled as he was proven right in his assesment of the "Windfinder" in the captain's cabin. The way this so-called Windfinder gazed at this new woman, clearly indicated a subservient position. He watched them as the "windfinder" reported to what had to be the real Windfinder, and watched for any changes in attitude or great shocks. There were none. As expected. There was a slight edge in all her movements, as if she were nervous, or afraid, and Cabroci carefully tucked that information into his memory for later use. As the Windfinder and, perhaps her apprentice... parted, Cabroci slowly made his way over to the Windfinder, acting as if he was checking out the ship without a care in the world. As he arrived at where the Windfinder was standing, he looked up, smiling his smile, and radiating joy and pleasure. "Hello m'lady. I take it you're the real Windfinder on this vessel, and not that slip of a girl that was present during the bargaining?" Cabroci smiled pleasantly, quickly checking if someone overheard.
'Honor to serve'
Brother to Cabroci Ramzael
When the piper plays his tune, it's just you, your sword, and courage.

Slip of a girl???? She's bigger than I am!!
Sidana looked up at the tall blond man. He TOWERED over her!! Most of the Atha'an Miere were not that tall, yet still they were all taller than she. He had quite a smile, though...made her not want to trust him...which was just as well, since after hearing from Zhaneel and Akasi, she hadn't planned to trust him, anyway.

His words were quite offensive, as well...she didn't have all that much use for Akasi, the truth be known - hadn't since their training days together. The girl would make a fine Windfinder one day, but, the Light willing, it would be on a small ship far away. (*lol* you know I love ya, right, Kasi??) But what nerve had this outsider, insult one of their own?? She kept her temper, a wonder considering the day she had had...

"You will do well to watch your tongue, sir. I have heard that you know something of our customs and relationships, so perhaps it will help you to understand that Akasi is of a different clan among our people. She IS a Windfinder, (OOC: not a lie, I just left out the word apprentice) and I hope that you will show a bit more respect as a guest on the Twilight Moon."

The man's eyes had darkened, and his smile was long gone. Good. She chanced a peek at the docks for sign of Jio's red and blue. Nothing. (OOC: okay, I'm having brain fart and can't somebody rescue this really lame post please...)

Sidana din Lorin
Clan Windfinder
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

Nerissa chanced a peek at the Windfinder, who had recently returned, and the tall fair man. Sidana seemed to be losing her temper towards him and Nerissa barely stopped herself from cringing. She had not long since left Zahneel, the repairs were being seen to as she stood watch again. Nerissa wondered to herself, as she restrained a tug at her blouse, where exactly Jio was -- they couldn't leave Falme until he came back. Nerissa caught a word or two here and there without actually wanting to...she felt ashamed at the idea of even unintentional evesdropping. She undid her hair, still secured back with one long lock of it tied around the rest and let it fall around her shoulders, still trying to look dignified.
She noted at a glance that the man was no longer smiling and wondered at least he would not have the Sailmistress catching whatever he had now! She thought it a pity that he smiled no longer since he had had such a lovely smile, but consoled herself with the fact that he was still amusing to watch in spite of his straight and hardened face. Nerissa let her eyes scan back to the pier...little activity there and certainly no Jio or seekers of passage. She sighed inwardly and scanned the decks for the dark man who had been the first to seek passage...

Nerissa din'Canace
Crewman on the Twilight Moon

(OOC: yeah, this wasn't much better Kim if indeed it is better, but it sets us up for practically anything provided our brains are working better later )

Re: Observations
Jio sat back, and sipped his brandy, listening to a story the man, Rodet'Cas, told about one time when his first wife had enraged him so, that he tossed her in a vine vat....

Shortly peeps, i'll be back.

Hey San, where are you?

*g* Pissed m'lady?
Cabroci smiled as the Windfinder said with a hard face: ""You will do well to watch your tongue, sir. I have heard that you know something of our customs and relationships, so perhaps it will help you to understand that Akasi is of a different clan among our people. She IS a Windfinder, and I hope that you will show a bit more respect as a guest on the Twilight Moon." He bowed his head in acceptance, and with a smile that said he didn't believe any of it, said: "As you say, Windfinder. If you say she is a Windfinder, she must be." He noticed her eyes shift towards the town again, and wondered what she was thinking about. It was probably a man. Carefully noting to himself not to flirt with her at all times, he looked back at the pretty captain of the ship. It would be fun to earn his passage through her. Then his smile slipped as he thought of Elanor. She would not be happy with this. Then, knowing that what he thought showed on his face, his eyes shot back to the Windfinder, who was examining him with a predatory look. He shot her a grin, knowing it was already too late, and decided to take the offensive. "What man is out there, Windfinder? And why do you worry for him?" The only indication he had that he had hit the right spot, was the slight widening of her eyes. As she was opening her mouth for a reply, he continued: "And if that slip of a girl is a Windfinder, why isn't she on her ship? Are you not able enough to handle him on your own?" His voice gave no indication if he meant the ship or the man.

'Honor to serve'
Brother to Cabroci Ramzael
When the piper plays his tune, it's just you, your sword, and courage.

Marcus moved easily on the boat. It was still docked and so it did not rock as badly as it would later. He had spent some time learning the layout of the ship. Watching silently as repairs were made and then as a new woman appeared to inspect them. She seemed to outrank the woman they called the Windfinder, but he was not close enough to hear what they were doing or saying. When he was finished with what he could do below the deck he moved to once again see what was happening above deck.

Moving to stand in the doorway he let his gaze sweep the ship. A short distance away he saw the man who may be following him conversing with the new woman. He could not make out the whole conversation, but he heard him call her the Windfinder while calling the other a slip of a girl. Marcus kept his gaze roving as he listened to what he could of the conversation. No one had seemed to notice him the doorway, and so it was not difficult. He was not sure what all of the conversation was about, but from the looks on both of their faces it was not friendly. It was the first time he had seen the other man without his smile, but the woman seemed unfazed by his smile or his frown. She would make a valuable ally if he could reinforce what differences the two had. If she was higher then the young woman who had attended the bargaining then she may be able to swade even the captain's ideas.

Letting a small smile slip over his own face as he considered, he moved to where he was noticable on the deck, his footfalls letting the others know he was there as he looked around.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

Aaaack!!! Cab I hate you!!! *winks* j/k, babe
Cabroci had hit a nerve, and it wasn't the completely unfounded remark about a man. She took her eyes away from the docks again. "I am Windfinder for our entire Clan, Master Ramzael," she said. "I have responsibilities far beyond the mere handling of this ship, much as I love him." She let herself feel the deck beneath her feet, ran her hands familiarly along the railing. The Twilight Moon was definitely the finest ship she had ever served on.

As for the Windfinder situation, the truth was, Akasi was ready to handle a ship on her own. She had proved that today. But there were customs older than the Atha'an Miere themselves, and apprentice the girl would remain until a ship belonging to her own clan was made ready for her. But all of this was beyond what she would tell any outsider. It would not do to let the shorebound learn too much of their ways, or the mystery would disappear and the bargains would be harder.

So instead Sidana told him that he should stop asking questions if he was too simple to understand the answers. He laughed at her, and was probably on the verge of asking about the nonexistant man again, when booted footfalls were heard approaching them. It was the other man, this Marcus, she knew without looking - no one but these two were wearing boots. Grateful for the interruption, Sidana turned and greeted the man, smiling as she introduced herself.

"I am Sidana din Lorin, Windfinder of Clan Wind Dancer. I apologize for not greeting you upon your arrival, but I was away on business in the town. We will see you safely and swiftly to your destination, by the Light," she said formally, bowing slightly. As he thanked her just as formally, she was filing away what she noticed about the two men. Sparks seemed to fly when they were close together, she could tell by her saidar-enhanced perception. The darker man was eyeing the other suspiciously, and the blond...Cabroci, was almost smirking, as if he knew a secret not shared by the other. This could be a very interesting voyage, indeed.

Curious to see how they would react to each other without her presence, Sidana made a graceful exit, smiling at both men, and left them to 'get acquainted with each other.' She would not listen nor would she watch them, but she knew a certain deckhand who knew how to tell what men were saying by watching their lips move...

Sidana din Lorin
Getting into the intrigue game
And Marcus, if you want to make me an ally, you're welcome to try *grins at Marcus and glares at Cab* hehe
"When in danger,
Or in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!"

still on watch
Nerissa glanced at the fair man and Sidana -- he seemed mocking now and her face had gone least he wouldn't get smiles from Sidana! Nerissa was certain he wouldn't even bother to try a smile from herself...and if he did...
Nerissa smirked for a moment at the thought -- he would sooner jump ship of his own free will than get her smiles! Nerissa could be made of stone or flesh as she willed herself and was proud of it...she hadn't shed a tear as the sul'dam had leashed her mother but she had cried for nights afterwards when she was sure she was alone. She shut that memory out of her mind...she couldn't change that now, she never would have a chance. Her mother was as lost to her as her father...and he was two years dead. She had gone ashore after she had lost them...but now she had started over. Her face was stone as she let those thoughts fly in and out of her partial focus...leaving the rest to the emptying piers, the setting sun, any words which might come from Zahneel, and the darker man...he had just come into view and was in plain sight now. She pushed her memories from years passed out of her conciousness for now, now was not the time for them...the day would come when she would either avenge her mother or not, she would not will it otherwise than it was fated by the wheel.
Nerissa cast her eyes upon the pier again, searching for any sign of Jio. They would leave port not until he was back onboard and the repairs were finished. She was eager to be back at sea though and have endless blue horizons in all directions...she ached for it. She also looked forward to the possibility that Sidana might begin her training soon...

Nerissa din'Canace
Crewman on the Twilight Moon

(OOC: JIO! please come home! We've got your dinner waiting *giggles* and a roadmap! Please be my Aiel servant *gets down on knees and begs* oh...btw...where is Zahneel? I'm wondering if I should just toss her back into her cabin in this thread and leave her there recovering from landsickness from being on the pier! *pouts*)

Re: still on watch
Jio sat back, and sighed. He'd have to return to the ship soon enough. Turning to Master Cha'lin, he inclined his head with a smile. "Excuse me if you will, Master Rodet'cas. I should be returning to the ship."
The man stood, as did Jio. "It was a pleasure dealing with you, Master Jio. Perhaps we shall again soon in the future?"
Jio nodded. "I was just going to ask you that. of course we shall."
Master Rodet'cas smiled. "Then i bid you a good day."
"And i you."
Cha'lin started for the door. "Let me show you the way out."

On my way peeps.

A Return...
(OOC: if you don't like this, feel free to yell at me and I'll delete it *curtseys*)

Nerissa brushed the hair out of her face once the quick breeze died down and cast her vision back over the pier and the deck, scanning. Zahneel was in her cabin most likely, she noted, as she was not within sight for the moment. Nerissa noted that the Sailmistress would likely be feeling landsick from having been on the pier with her earlier and sympathised...she was just a little more capable of withstanding the lack of motion on the piers and on land herself and had felt ill enough earlier. Sidana still stood near the tall fair man, likely ignoring him...he had certainly offended her. The other passenger was still in his place in plain sight to all...glancing at her for a second -- his eyes were scanning every bit as much as hers were and likely saw as much if not more than she did. He had had some form of training in battle, no doubt, as self defense is how she had learned it -- observation was the key to staying alive whether your opponent was a swordsman or a tempest.

She noted the sword on the fair man's back and smiled... swordsmen we have she noted that Jio carried a sword as well and made note that he had still not returned...and that if the passengers had their best interests in mind, they'd do well to steer clear of Sidana ...tempest we had better not -- she wasn't sure whether she was thinking more of the Windfinder's temper or the gathering clouds on the horizon.

Nerissa sighed inwardly and straightened her posture as she gazed out over the pier again...seeing a familiar figure, little more than a silouette, quite a distance from the ship yet. It had to be Jio from the way he carried himself...

She grinned visibly and let her eyes flicker towards Sidana, who had yet to notice his approach. She wondered just how interesting the first segment voyage southward and around the Shadowcoast would be...she didn't even attempt a guess at the rest of the way to Ebou Dar.

Melantha Amaris of the Wolfkin
Darkflower the Wolfsister
former potter from Saldaea

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Neri of the Lesser Rainbow Sparkly Wand
Fles Fledai of the Lilac Flajah

OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in so long, I've been very very busy soooooo sorry!! Well....I'll try and get this boat on the road to.....where is it we're goin Jio??

IC:Zhaneel stretched her arms in front of her and quickly stifled a yawn as she walked up the last few stairs to the deck. Scanning with her eyes she took in as many details as she could. She noted that the two men whom she had thought would not have been found alone together were indeed staniding side by side by the rail. She also noted that Nerissa seemed to be doing just as much note-taking as she herself was. Looking off into the piers she noticed a man coming towards the ship and hoped it was Jio. She had had enough of sitting still she liked to be on the move. As she walked to Sidana who was making her way across the deck with some purpose in mind she scanned the horizan. The sun was nearing the horizan but was a briliant orange leaving the sky dimming blue. This she knew meant bad weather tomorrow.

Frowning Zhaneel directed her thoughts to more important things. The weather would be dealt with. Composing her features Zhaneel cleared her throat and spoke to Sidana.

"I apologize for not having welcomed you upon your return." She smiled warmly before going on. "If that is Jio coming towards the ship then he will have finished his bargaining." She nodded in the direction of the piers and noticed that Sidana looked slightly excited and let herself peer into the distance for a moment before realizing Zhaneel was there. This was odd, Sidana hated Jio...tucking the thought away for later Zhaneel continued on her original train of thought. " I wish to leave early tomorrow morning with the rising of the sun and so if all works with your arangements for any bargains, as well as Jio's then we shall leave port shortly after sunrise." Zhaneel waited for Sidana's reply wondering if they would be able to leave so soon.

She still needed to alert the crewmen as well as the new passengers before she could officially know. Her stomach grumbled reminding her that dinner should be served soon.

Sailmistress.....hopes this is ok.....

*steps up to the docks in the fading daylight*
OOC: hallo all, looks like I got my bio approved just in time to catch a ship!

IC: Peering through the failing light, Balin tried to make out any moving forms upon the ship, hoping someone was on deck. Cupping two long, thin hands around his mouth, he let out a low "hallo?! Is anyone there?".

Adjusting the bundle on his shoulder, clothing, a harp and flute, and a small stash of bread and cheese, he called out again, softly still, but a little louder. He was tall, six foot one, and lanky, with hair so dark it was mistaken for black sometimes. His eyes were a light olive color, and they always had a sparkle of amusement in them, reminding some people of a light breeze through the treetops. Only being 23, he had a youthful, trusting look about him, but he was no fool. And he wanted on this boat.

Glancing behind him nervously the way he had come, he tightened his long, green coat around him unconsiously, holding his breath. An innkeeper's gaurd was back there somewhere, still looking for him. Giving an annoyed sniff, he turned back to the ship once more. How was it his fault that the innkeepers daughter took a fancy to handsome young men? The world was full of weird people, and he had definately stumbled upon some good examples.

Balin T'Shai
Apprentice gleeman with no master
Seeking passage to the Light knows where

The Gleeman seeker of passage...
OOC: CALLING ZAHNEEL AND SIDANA!'re very late young man! It's way past your bedtime *scolds*

IC: Nerissa heard a call from the pier as they were about to set about readying to dine and nearly jumped at the noise. She studied the man in the dimming light as she approached the gangway -- tall, dark haired, and unlike those who came before him...this one appeared unarmed. She dared not assume it though, he likely carried knives. She smiled at him and led him onboard, noting that Zahneel and Sidana were dining lightly in Zahneel's cabin presently -- or perhaps not at all with as ill as the Sailmistress had looked lately -- least so far as she knew and that they were speaking together privately. She knocked cautiously, almost blaming herself for the intrusion she knew this was causing.
"Sailmistress!" she called, "there is a man seeking passage." In truth, Nerissa thought it a very cruel weave of the wheel that this man should show up when they were eating and discussing the business of the day. She smirked a little to herself in the shadows as the thought occured to her that their passengers were all men and all potentially troublemakers. She waited a moment for an answer from within...

OOC: Hey Balin you weren't lying when you said you couldn't wait to jump into an rp! *grins* if Kadin had gotten off his lazy arse and gotten a bio approved we'd have a ship crammed full! Ah can meet up with him in Ebou Dar or Illian (that's my guess) eh?

Melantha Amaris of the Wolfkin
Darkflower the Wolfsister
former potter from Saldaea

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: The Gleeman seeker of passage...
OOC: *grins* yeah, I was VERY ready to get hopping, and this seemed the best way to start. Jes' wish Kadin had time to do his bio!

IC: Squinting up on the deck, he was releived to see a woman peering down at him from onboard. At her smile, a wide grin crept it's way onto his face and he followed her. The look on her face told him she had measured him inch by inch, probably noting every small detail about him, down to the cloth his clothes were made of and the fact that he seemed unarmed. He figured she knew he wasn't daft enough to travel the road without some protection. Her scrutiny almost made him laugh, but he battled it and finally won over. He forced his face into calmness, but his eyes betrayed his unshed laughter.

"Sailmistress!" she called, "there is a man seeking passage." Standing back, he watched her knock almost tentatively, and it dawned on him that he might not have showed up at a very good time. Looking at the woman in the shadows of late evening, he thought he could almost detect a smirk on her face, but he had no clue what reason it had to be there.

Talking softly, and with a half-smile pasted on his face, he addressed her. "I hope I'm not causing too much of an inconvenience. My purpose is not to cause trouble, surely." The half-smile now turns almost innocent as he thinks back to the inn and the angry guard, and he thinks: *I thought I was getting on this tub to escape a few lumps and now it seems I might receive them anyways... fair play I suppose*

Balin T'shai
Apprentice gleeman with no master
traveling to the junction of anywhere and nowhere

An Introduction
OOC: This skips back some, but I did not expect to jump to night quite that fast. :P

IC: Marcus Found himself facing the smiling man alone, well as alone as he could be on a ship full of women watching who all tried to act as if they were not. For a moment the two men studied each other. Marcus noted the man was slightly taller. In a fight he would have the smallest edge in distance, assuming it came to that. In the few seconds that he stood there he studied the mans face judging how much it had been weathered by being out doors and the use his clothes had seen. The slight scuffs on the boots that indicated a journey had been recently taken and that he had not had the chance to finish getting rid of the signs. There were not many, but all the signs pointed to the man having journeyed, and his body language said that Marcus upset him somehow. Reaching out a hand he said, "It looks like we will be traveling together." The other man gripped his hand and shook it. His hands bore the calasuses of a man who trained with weapons or did other hard labours. The man smiled and said, "Yes it does, my name is Cabroci, and you are?" Marcus looked into his smiling eyes which seemed more meant to mock then to make others easy, but maybe that was just how he saw it. Releasing his hand he said, "I am Marcus." Silence fell for a moment as they stood measuring each other. Nodding his head, Marcus said, "I was looking over the ship, perhaps we can speak later." The man nodded and they both turned and went seperate ways.

The next hour was spent looking over the ship, seeing how the repairs had been made and learning the layout. When he was done it was growing dark and dinner was being provided. The woman who had greeted him, and whose name he had over heard as being Nerissa, still sat at the dock waiting for any newcomers and keeping any who were unwelcome from getting on the ship. She seemed to try to keep a close eye on him and the other passanger, Cabroci. Either the Sea Folk did not trust their passangers or the crew already sensed that the two of them had something going on. Either way if he used it correctly he could gain their trust and have more allies against Cabroci, assuming the man tried anything. He finished his meal and was considering how to approach Nerissa when a voice called from the dock asking to be let on the ship. The dock was not well lit, but Marcus faintly made out a man who was fairly tall. Looking closely he thought he made out a harp on his back, but no other noticable weapons. His back could contain something, but from this distance who knew. He did not wear the bright cloak of the gleeman, so either he still only aspired to more then he was now or the harp was a hobby and useful ruse. Marcus sat back and relaxed as Nerissa led the man back to the captain's cabin and waited for her to return before moving to speak to her.

Marcus Reanderlon
Master Spy of the Light

OOC post...
Balin. Please contact me as soon as possible. i run all the RP coordinated stuff for this ship, i try to keep track of people as well as i can.

you have some options available
AIM - tri650butterfly
yahoo pager -

I honestly don't have a problem with you on the ship, OOC or ICly. I just need to keep track of people. As soon as you can. Continue with your gifts of passage RP, if you like. I would suggest a contract to perform for my crew for the duration of the trip, but thats up to the mistress, of course. Also, i shall point out that San has seemingly vanished. *shrugs* i've been trying to get through to her. I don't know whats happened. Sidana will take care of your RP, for that reason. Sidana, for the sake of simplicy, RP that San got sick or something, caught something from a shorebound, and is getting seen to by a healer.

master of swords for the Clan WindDancer
Cargomaster and part owner of The Twilight Moon

OOC response to Jio's
it seems Zahneel has returned -- chatted with San on MSN yesterday. As it is I've already got her landsick in her cabin *grins* sorry if I'm taking liberties there...
If Balin doesn't get to you first, here's the contact info

AIM: kamikaziqween
ICQ: let me go check...I know the nickname is "Lobstercavalry"

*grins at Balin* I think my third char will have to be a freelander of the migrant sort so I can follow you and Kadin around -- you guys need a woman to balance you out and blush and scold at your bad puns and eccentric behavior (plus Aderyn wants me to have a full trio of suspicious chars for her future COL char to harass)!

that crazy girl who spends more time on the Freelander and COL boards than the actual org members do

Melantha Amaris of the Wolfkin
Darkflower the Wolfsister
former potter from Saldaea

Nerissa din'Canace of the Atha'an Miere
Crewman on the Twilight Moon
daughter of damane
disliker of Seanchan

Re: OOC response to Jio's
hey thanks nerissa, much obliged!

And yes, we will most definately need someone to take us down a peg, or we'll most likely be in trouble up to our necks real soon. eccentric behavior?! *snorts* Who you callin' eccentric? *wearing some very loud pants from africa, dusty green silk shirt, no shoes, soles of feet blackened from never wearing shoes* I am perfectly normal, and with obvious fashion sense.. lol

And thanks for the talk last night maglin, I had forgotten a lot of how things work here.

Balin T'Shai
apprentice gleeman with no master
cut loose and drifting with the tide

Re: OOC response to Jio's

two things

1. New Thread peeps! This one is two pages long now

2. Balin... you confuzzled the hell outta me... I knew you were a guy IC... my apologies if i at any time assumed you were a guy OOC. lol.

POST NEW THREAD hehe... this ones' just too long

Return to main page

Dates for thread

 Title and link to thread

 Initial Poster

 Final Poster
 # of responses

9/24/01 - 9/30/01

 Watching the Waves




9/29/01 - 10/10/01

Watching the Docks 




 10/1/01 - 10/10/01

 Walking the Streets of Falme




 10/10/01 - 10/16/01

 I'm back! Atha'an RP people wanna continue here??


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/17/01 - 10/20/01

 Hoping the voyage gets under-way soon

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/21/01 - 10/23/01

 Early morning...

 Balin Tshai

 Balin Tshai


 10/23/01 - 10/29/01

 Storm on the Horizon




 10/29/01 - 10/30/01

 Sleep you shall...


 Marcus Reanderlon


 10/31/01 - 11/2/01

 20 posts AGAIN!!! Starting a new one...


 Balin Tshai
