Beyond human reason,
the beauty of life and being coerced.
Through the haze of purple and gilded
clouds of nebula,
beyond galaxy arms
studded with celestial jewels,
something came to a fine point.
Something started a song
on an instrument greater than everything
and less than nothing.
The tune is soundless,
But it started a dance-
A whirl of grace, brilliance, and color
that have lasted throughout time.
Intricate beyond belief
we are all keeping rythm
whether we know it or not.
What shall we do with this dance?
Why did we ever start?
Perhaps it will end
without ever being answered for.
One thing I know,
and keep foremost in my mind:
The sky,
the earth,
and myself;
they all converge here,
right now

IRL Lindsay
balin t'shai
apprentice gleeman
preparing to duck some blows

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